Oh. My. God. Look at this website I just found!


But AHHHH!!!! Look at all that 311 people want!!! If I didn't already lose all those CDs on purpose I coulda sold them!
I'm kinda sorry I bookmarked them... how on earth can I save up for a house with so much scrumptious music to be consumed!?!? o_O
JayKeeley said:
Markgugs - guide us in the ways of holding back on CD purchasing. You cracked the code, what is the key?
Step 1: completely overwhelm yourself with CD purchases, to the point where if you listened to 1-2 new CDs per day, every day, you'd be fine for 2 years and not hear the same CD twice. Most of you are here already.

Step 2: burn out 150% on new metal (not nu-metal, that stuff is still awesome!)

Step 3: Branch out and start revisiting and/or newly discovering worlds of music out there that you had only previously dabbled in before.

Step 4: Get fired.

It's not all that hard. :)
I have to admit, if it was a regular jewel case version to begin with and then just got re-released, it wouldn't bother me having the re-issue....however, there is something very 'authentic' about having the black box and inlay for Maiastru Sfetnic.

NAD - were you lucky enough to find the black digi-box version of MS?
Looks like they used a white crayon! I just checked, since I had forgotten. Love those pictures in there.