Oh well, so much for Duran Duran


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
So I got to the queue at the gate for the show this afternoon, slowly worked my way inside and right down the front about arm's reach from the barrier. Xena had been waiting outside since noon or something and got a really good spot, but because I had to work to had to meet her there. Some stupid teenybopper wearing thongs (to an open air concert!) complained because I was in her friend's spot. Yeah, like I fucking care and like the 10,000 people who are going to be trying to get into that spot in the next few hours are going to care, stupid. It's about 40 minutes out from the start of the show and Xena starts complaining about a headache. That's no biggie. Ten minutes before the show, and everyone stands up and moves forward a bit. Teenybopper's friend's spot has now been taken by me and another couple of people wearing big, heavy, black boots. I hope she keeps her feet the fuck away from me. The roadies are soundchecking and the show is suddenly 15 minutes behind time. Don't they have stage managers at shows like this? Anyway, finally the backing vocalist from Machine Gun Fellatio comes out on stage and starts singing a song about getting fucked all sorts of ways. Nice start to the night. The band comes on after that, and halfway through their first song, we left. Xena's headache was so bad it was now making her physically ill. Oh well. It could have been worse. It could have happened at Earl's Court watching Iron Maiden. I don't mind missing Robbie so much, but he would have been cool to see because he's such an entertainer, and MGF is just a gimmick band so I don't care about them, but I really, really wanted to see Duran Duran. Now I never will.

At least you got there. I've been kicking myself all weekend for not going. :(

Bummer about the show, though. Duran Duran played a 2 hour show here on Monday night but I didn't go because I'm not a fan. Heard it was fantastic. Not that that's any consolation for ya though. :)
Goreripper said:
At least I'm not throwing up my stomach lining.
I am. :(

So I'm assuming you left the venue? Just didn't go to a 'softer' place?
The concert is tonight? Why yes it is Sydo! If only you could read..

I actually threw up bits of my stomach that shouldn't have come up once. My friend fed me antiseptic!

But bummer about Duran Duran man, at least I"m not jealous any more...