P Perpetual Catatonia Member May 16, 2006 631 1 18 Florida, USA Apr 22, 2007 #21 This should have been named "The Official MS Paint Thread" so it won't get locked. Hopefully it will be realized that this is a necessary thread.
This should have been named "The Official MS Paint Thread" so it won't get locked. Hopefully it will be realized that this is a necessary thread.
M MURAI - Nov 6, 2002 3,782 6 38 Canada Apr 22, 2007 #22 Party..... Backstage? Wait, I shouldnt paste that.
Black Core Sir MIMA & Leo Godfather Jan 27, 2006 11,387 17 38 Gierle (Belgium) Apr 23, 2007 #26 I knew that was gonna happen :Smug:
Pessimism Endemic Vagabond Feb 16, 2004 10,152 14 38 38 SoCal Apr 23, 2007 #28 ^ of course it was bound to happen, look at everything else in this thread.
xxprincess_wildchildxx Snow Soul Apr 3, 2007 2,847 0 36 In Paradisium Apr 23, 2007 #29 What the shit.