Ok how scooped can you go without risking getting a hollow mix?

Hey Ola,

Your Savage seems to have the mid knob centered around a low-mid frequency, so when you scoop you're still left with some core mids, that are unfortunately just a LITTLE stuffy due to the HB cab. Remember that 'scoop' is a relative thing, so you can also boost highs to give the impression of more severe scoopage. I've noticed a lot of your clips lean towards the darker side of the spectrum, so you could happily crank those treb/presence knobs, or even (sigh, even hate myself for suggesting this) get a little more dustcap in there.

As far as actives go, IMO the 85 has been, and still is the way to fly in 6 strings. 707 for 7's, which I use and love. In fact the 707 has a very low-mid scooped, core mid forward type sound. It would work perfectly for the tones you shoot for.

This clip and riff is fucking monstrous by the way.
Sorry, you're out of luck.

I took actives out of my Dean for a pair of Duncan Distortions and I'm LOVING it so far. You'll be hearing clips as soon as I'm out of school.


Yeah I only have two guitars without actives, and to that I also order two new guitars, both with the EMG 81/60 combo :Smug:

Hey Ola,

Your Savage seems to have the mid knob centered around a low-mid frequency, so when you scoop you're still left with some core mids, that are unfortunately just a LITTLE stuffy due to the HB cab. Remember that 'scoop' is a relative thing, so you can also boost highs to give the impression of more severe scoopage. I've noticed a lot of your clips lean towards the darker side of the spectrum, so you could happily crank those treb/presence knobs, or even (sigh, even hate myself for suggesting this) get a little more dustcap in there.

As far as actives go, IMO the 85 has been, and still is the way to fly in 6 strings. 707 for 7's, which I use and love. In fact the 707 has a very low-mid scooped, core mid forward type sound. It would work perfectly for the tones you shoot for.

This clip and riff is fucking monstrous by the way.
Well the thing is I didn't scoop the amp, just used another guitar and pickups. Same settings as I usually have on the Savage.
I gotta tell you man - I looooooooooooooooooove your song writing. This is one of the coolest things I've heard from you.

Honestly think this tone beats the ass off the scooped tones above.
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Fuck when I read the song title, I was expecting And Justice for All or Vulgar Display of Power level scooped tone:lol::lol:
It's not really all that scooped at all man. Sure not as mid rangey as some other tones, but it's got a good amount of mids that just seem to work well, I dig the tones man:kickass:
Fuck when I read the song title, I was expecting And Justice for All or Vulgar Display of Power level scooped tone:lol::lol:
It's not really all that scooped at all man. Sure not as mid rangey as some other tones, but it's got a good amount of mids that just seem to work well, I dig the tones man:kickass:

Thanks... maybe I'm just to used to the EMG81 mid sound to much...
LIEZ. :heh:

Try a 81 in basswood then in mahogany. :rolleyes:

yeah? since i dont have an axe with basswood, whats the difference then?
at least all EMG equipped guitars i tryied out were quite the same...dunno if they had the same wood or not though xD
tbh i dont even think its that scooped at all o actually think its a tad just a TAD muddy!

pretty win though

So how scooped can you go without risking getting a hollow mix? Interesting topic and continuously under testing for me too, especially now when I have all those Slate kits for testing too.

Anyways, I dunno if the last DI clip in your site's player is already the new more scooped tone of yours, but (imo of course) it's quite not clear enough for my personal tastes. Just out of curiosity I recorded that DI file from your flash player and reamped it through my stuff and these two tones below would propably serve as my startpoints for a mix.


Hmm, I thought these were really different, but actually that b clip resembles quite much of your tone there.
Have you listened to the newest Freak Kitchen album, "Land of the Freaks"? That guitartone is like scooped as fuck, but still the mix sounds very full, after you get used to the guitartone, because the guitars don't clash with vocals.


"Loud as fuck,scooped as fuck, cool as..." - watch your language young man Anssi! :heh:

Well, but back to this vid - it really sounds like some's blowing distorted kazoo through some long unknown horn...maybe vacuum cleaner or so. :lol:

Greets and holidays,

So how scooped can you go without risking getting a hollow mix? Interesting topic and continuously under testing for me too, especially now when I have all those Slate kits for testing too.

Anyways, I dunno if the last DI clip in your site's player is already the new more scooped tone of yours, but (imo of course) it's quite not clear enough for my personal tastes. Just out of curiosity I recorded that DI file from your flash player and reamped it through my stuff and these two tones below would propably serve as my startpoints for a mix.


Hmm, I thought these were really different, but actually that b clip resembles quite much of your tone there.

Thanks for the input, but I must say your clip isn't the sound I'm looking for. But as with everything it's just a matter of taste.