ok, I HAVE to spread this around...

Best quotes from the too long fanfiction:

"And then…………… suddenly just as I Draco kissed me passionately. Draco climbed on top of me and we started to make out keenly against a tree. He took of my top and I took of his clothes. I even took of my bra. Then he put his thingie into my you-know-what and we did it for the first time."
"He put his spock in my you-know-what and passively we did it."
"The Dark Lord shall kill all of you. Then you must submit to him!!!!” Snape ejaculated menacingly."
"I felt a little depressed then, so I slit one of my wrists. I read a depressing book while I waited for it to stop bleeding and I listened to some GC."
"They were having sexual intercourse in the Forbidden Forest!” he yelled in a furious voice."
From now on, whenever posts an anecdote about something they did, they must first make an exhaustingly long description of their appearance and what they are wearing, even if its the same exact fucking thing every time.
Book Description
This is about Kelly and Joe, they decided to go on a camping trip, but Kelly notice something was really wrong, but Joe did not think anything was wrong! The night came and the zombies surrounded the cabin, and they were trap. Joe said don't worry we will be save!!!! Kelly said I Will called for Help on my cell phone, but no signal. Now Kelly was really worry, becasue Zombies were everywhere!!!! Then Kelly notice a car, ands we are traps, what are we going to do? Walking on Walks of Fame and seeing the Zombies coming toward them and grabbing there legs. I WANT YOUR BRAIN!

OMG :lol: this is great!
Book Description
This is about Kelly and Joe, they decided to go on a camping trip, but Kelly notice something was really wrong, but Joe did not think anything was wrong! The night came and the zombies surrounded the cabin, and they were trap. Joe said don't worry we will be save!!!! Kelly said I Will called for Help on my cell phone, but no signal. Now Kelly was really worry, becasue Zombies were everywhere!!!! Then Kelly notice a car, ands we are traps, what are we going to do? Walking on Walks of Fame and seeing the Zombies coming toward them and grabbing there legs. I WANT YOUR BRAIN!

OMG :lol: this is great!

I wish you guys were Harry Potter fans. I have no one to talk to. :(

I'm a Harry Potter fan...actually I don't know if the term "fan" would be correct. I enjoy the books and films, but I don't have any posters on my walls or anything. I like Harry Potter, that's all. It's easy, interesting, and enjoyable. Many people don't like it (mainly metalheads) because it's somewhat overexposed, and when something becomes well-known or mainstream, for some reason metalheads automatically disassociate themselves with it, regardless if they enjoy it or not.

Case in point: Dethklok. I still love the show even though it's really big now, but there are lots of people who don't watch it anymore simply because there are some mainstream metalheads who like it. Metalheads are always on one extreme or another, especially in the states; either they're completely devoid of any knowledge of music besides what's force-fed to them on Headbanger's Ball, or they're so tr00 and kvlt and underground that anything on a semi-large label is shit because more than 5 people know about them. You'll see this a lot with the Harry Potter people. There are some who genuinely dislike the franchise and always have, and there are some who, just for the sake of being snobbish pricks, loathe it as well but only for the sake of trying to separate themselves from everyone else. These people would eat shit just to be different...regardless of how idiotic the idea is. It happened to Dethklok, The Simpsons, The Family Guy, Harry Potter, and many others. They can't feel high and mighty and condescending anymore because other people know about "their little secret", like they own it or something. Bah.
Not to mention they think a book can't be at a simple reading level and still be enjoyable. Which is like saying music needs to be packed full of wankery and solos to be interesting. I don't know...I grew up with Harry Potter and theres little I looked forward to more than a new one being released every few years. Maybe I'm just being nostalgic.

But I've always hated Dethklok. Stupid show.
Book Description
Advance Music Class Ricky Black came into his Music Class and said to John that I will be the first,to plays and he went up to the front of the class and started to plays, then the whole class, stood up and applauses and you are awesome, dude!!! Then John came up to Ricky Black, you are great!!!

That's all there was to it, so I laughed.
I'm a Harry Potter fan...actually I don't know if the term "fan" would be correct. I enjoy the books and films, but I don't have any posters on my walls or anything. I like Harry Potter, that's all. It's easy, interesting, and enjoyable. Many people don't like it (mainly metalheads) because it's somewhat overexposed, and when something becomes well-known or mainstream, for some reason metalheads automatically disassociate themselves with it, regardless if they enjoy it or not.

Case in point: Dethklok. I still love the show even though it's really big now, but there are lots of people who don't watch it anymore simply because there are some mainstream metalheads who like it. Metalheads are always on one extreme or another, especially in the states; either they're completely devoid of any knowledge of music besides what's force-fed to them on Headbanger's Ball, or they're so tr00 and kvlt and underground that anything on a semi-large label is shit because more than 5 people know about them. You'll see this a lot with the Harry Potter people. There are some who genuinely dislike the franchise and always have, and there are some who, just for the sake of being snobbish pricks, loathe it as well but only for the sake of trying to separate themselves from everyone else. These people would eat shit just to be different...regardless of how idiotic the idea is. It happened to Dethklok, The Simpsons, The Family Guy, Harry Potter, and many others. They can't feel high and mighty and condescending anymore because other people know about "their little secret", like they own it or something. Bah.


On a personal note...I genuinely never liked Harry Potter, I read the first two books and just didn't care for it. I started watching the second season of Dethklok, but it really didn't seem as funny as season 1 so I stopped actively trying to watch it. Family Guy is starting to rehash all the same jokes over and over again.....but they could probably make Futurama forever and I'd still love it.