Ok, im happy about this one. Not stupid anymore :)~

wow, guitars sound really good, cool song too!

i hope you'll have actual death metal vocals on this song, not screamo stuff.

the glitch thing isn't really working too well, but everything else sounds great!
sounds great imho. the music is reallys cool. what's the bandpage?

Its my music....no band

wow, guitars sound really good, cool song too!

i hope you'll have actual death metal vocals on this song, not screamo stuff.

the glitch thing isn't really working too well, but everything else sounds great!

Yep i do my own vocals....just havent been doing any lately.
Yeah, damn, I'm hearing ZERO bass here, which is the big danger of mixing with a sub IMO - you feel the bass so you think all is well, but that either means your room isn't treated so there's a huge amount of bass buildup from the sub (when in fact the level is really low), or it just needs a healthy low-shelf cut beneath 100 Hz (and then turning it all up), cuz I'm really not hearing/feeling much over here! And the guitar tone is good, but a bit fizzy and grainy; I dunno, I guess that's kind of inherent to the 5150, so I would say overall it's pretty damn good! And yeah, sweet riffs/leads, though personally I'd ditch that modulation you have on some of the leads ;)
Maybe i should turn my sub down alittle on mixing....

The levels on the bass are just below the levels on the guitar in the mixer in cubase.

I do have a high pass on the bass at 60
Yeah, damn, I'm hearing ZERO bass here, ........... personally I'd ditch that modulation you have on some of the leads ;)

+1 to both of these, but of course go with your tate if that's what you'd like to hear.

I do have a high pass on the bass at 60

I'd drop that lower, there's still some nice info down there.

Based on your forum name, I'd say it would be good to compare your track to Mercenary's Architect of lies (assuming you got your name from their track "Lost Reality"). Import a track into your Cubase session rather than listening in a seperate program, then you'll see what the bass is doing and it will translate better to other systems.