Ok .. Ima pissed off!


Jun 17, 2002
Shrewsbury, UK
So I wake up at 8am, and think YAY!!! Finally the new Anathema album is released .. so I drive to town, and look in Virgin Megastores ..

Me: Hey, Have you got the new anathema album out?
Them: Who?
Me: A N A T H E MA
Them: It was released today, but we have none in stock

.. so I head to HMV..

Me: Hey, Have you got the new anathema album out?
Them: Who?
Me: A N A T H E MA
Them: It was released today, but we have none in stock

.. One last music shop to go to..

Me: Hey, Have you got the new anathema album out?
Them: Who?
Me: A N A T H E MA
Them: It was released today, but we have none in stock

.. So ima thinking, Telford is only 20min drive away.. and is a little bit bigger than Shrewsbury (where I live) .. I'll drive there..

So I arrive in Telford, pay for parking .. and look at there Music shops there, and yep you guessed it! "Sorry, we didnt order any to stock"..


You would think that out of the 5 big music stores in Shropshire, at least ONE FUCKING COPY WOULD BE AVAILABLE

*loads up Amazon* .. at least one place is a certain:)
Here noone ordered the digi, except the one shop where they order the edition which I tell them to, hehe. But that shop is closed on Monday *g*. Well mostly I can get the copy on Saturday allready... except when the distributor in Switzerland is a lame ass (like the most of them are) and they have to order the CDs in Germany :Smug:
Hm, I bought my CD today in a store which is called Saturn and claims they got the largest CD choice in the world.. They`ve got both, the Digi and the "normal" one... but ... It took nearly an hour to find them... no one in there knew where to find them...lol... btw. the guy at the information said... he has got them at 27ths of october...lol, even on the webpag of the store they said 3rd of november...
Just one thing... a lot of ppl in here (including me) got the album before it was released like...
PLEASE buy it in store aswell...support and stuff...lol
How on earth are new fans going to discover the joy of Anathema's music if us existing fans can't even buy the new album on the day it's released?

In my case, no shops in Bradford - a city with a huge metal following, and therefore a lot of Anathema fans - have stocked A Natural Disaster.
I remember it took about 2 weeks for any shops here to stock AFDTE.

It's the record companies job to promote bands they have signed, otherwise where's the business sense in keeping the band on?

Just looking around the shops today, I saw many bands with a smaller fanbase, or less universal appeal, who had their new albums on clear display (Akercocke being an example).

Looks like I'll be ordering it online, and certainly not from Music For Nation's website!
I bought it today at the local metalstore! :D
I didn't know it was released today, and I wasn't going to buy it because of me money problem. My mate knows how much I like Anathema so he has lend me some money, so I could buy it after all, that's fuckin cool.
fuck i was at Staurn just one hour ago and they said that is hasn't been arrived yet. WTF? I mean they said that it will arrive later this evening, tsssss. anyway i guess i will buy it tomorrow, one day more, i don't mind anymore.
I have mine too!! The girl from the store was already waving with it when I came in. I ordered it a few weeks ago , just to be sure.

*went thru wind and rain with a 6 kilo baby and a really heavy maxi-cosi*
I suffer this horrible syndrom that I always go to a CD-store knowing exactly what CD to buy, and I end up leaving the store with something totally different. Today I left the store with a Skyclad ablum. Guess I won't get my hands on it until I'm not in an Anathema mood.
No luck here either, the guy looked as if he'd turned down a bunch of people asking the same question all day. I even noticed someone glazing the Anathema cds with a dissapointed look in his eyes while I was there.
I was told he didn't figure it was released until the end of the month and when I told him MFN and the official site said 3rd of nov, he laughed and said they'd said everything from the 20th till now, true that.
This is getting slightly ridiculous, I got "Lights Out" in this store and they've got the Crestfallen and Pentecost EPs in stock!!! (plus the complete Opeth catalogue, hehe, and a Katatonia EP I've never even heard of).
This must be a distribution problem then, he said BMG, the distributor for MFN in Denmark supposedly never informed them of anything. please sort it out, this must be costing you big time too, unless all bad publicity is good publicity after all, I'm pretty sure Anathema is truely an anathema to this guy now anyway.
The only Anathema CD's I found in all those store I went to was "Serenades" .. oh, and Virgin and AFDTE o sale for £6.99.. with one copy left:\

anyway .. AND should be on my doorstep within 24 hours!:)
Morpheus said:
fuck i was at Staurn just one hour ago and they said that is hasn't been arrived yet. WTF? I mean they said that it will arrive later this evening, tsssss. anyway i guess i will buy it tomorrow, one day more, i don't mind anymore.

Saturn in Cologne has the album....
They claimed to have it since 27ths of october...lol, but thats a lie.. they just opened the packages when I bought it...lol, seems as if you need holidays in Cologne to buy the album like...lol