OK, I've searched and there are just TOO many threads - What drum heads for tracking?

My usual go-to head setup for metal/hard rock:

Top Snare
- Remo Controlled Sound (more attack, open sound - my go-to)
- Remo Powerstroke 3 (more "thunk," less ring and sustain)

Bottom Snare
- Remo Ambassador SS or Evans Hazy 300

- Evans EC2 clear (for more attack/body, less sustain/ring)
- Evans G2 clear (for more of a singing "note" in the sound)

- Remo Powerstroke 3 clear (for more punch/less low end "boom")
- Evans EMAD clear single-ply (for more low end "boom" and less attack)

this is a perfect guide to follow.
Kick - Evans eq3 or remo Powerstroke 3
Snare - evans hd dry and hazy 300
Toms - Evans ec2 or g2