Ok let me make this more attractive to you


Your grade for all the reviews you've ever written: F-

You've spammed nearly every forum on Ultimatemetal, just pay for your own section of the forum. In the meantime, use one of your reviews to make spaghetti.
sorry man, but what your doing is spamming. Even if you meant it or not, it is not allowed and is really annoying to people who frequent these forums.

Your spamming is not wanted here, just leave if thats all your going to do.
I am truely sorry.I have been coming to forums trying to offer people the chance to listen to the station because I truely do put alot of work into it and it would be temendous if I had the chance to get to know some people at these boards I went about all of this the wrong way and you are right I have invaded enough people's space.Please be rest assured I will not return here again.
I will say though the responces I have recieved over the past 7 months since starting Rapture have been completly uncalled for though what I am doing might be considered rude or spamming have you I have never tried to force myself on anayone nor tried to make them feel inadiquate like they have me and I have never told someone to go to hell or to fuck off for no reason at all.People who come to the Rapture board are treated with respect even if they come just to promote their band or anything else it is a family and I do not understand the need for the negative and simply childish remarks made to me or others when we have something to share.
I started this with the intentions of offering something for people who come to these boards to listen to while browsing and talking about their favorite bands and having the chance to hear some amazing unsighned bands and for what I have tried to offer I have been completly beaten down.
I am sorry for any inconvieniance I have caused anyone.
> it's called spamming your ass off everywhere you stumble on to, and i
> and everyone else is fucking fed up with it so please stop it already

Assholes who think spamming is "legitimate" or "offering something" .... should be hanged by their balls.

<--- gives a beer to EFF and Needled. And smashes beer bottles on wesjackoff's head.