ok, so...


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Apr 11, 2002
Where you live
years ago, before the computer generation when technology was more primitive, what did the geeks who constantly make "witty" jokes and puns in computer jargon these days say to be funny?

(inspired by my coworkers: "Delete Star dot Star!" "HAHAHAAAA!!!")
xfer said:
haha this thread is awesome. jake even totally metajoked his own typoness.
i thought no one else noticed this.

and josh- LOGO is right; i remember making that damn triangular turtle draw all sorts of crap. but actually, i meant like back in the 60s or 70s before any personal computers. it seems as though the geeks' whole computer culture was at that time nonexistent and would therefore have to be replaced by something- but what?

i was just kind of remarking on how period-specific the jokes are these days, and wondering what sort of jokes people made back then that we wouldn't get today.

ID-10-T = awesome.

I once had a program that came up with: "CATASTROPHIC FAILURE".
Well, i didn't write it- some other guy did. but it was at our work. another programmer printed the page out for his wall.
While Avi is gone, somebody must fill the void and say:

logo writer was da bomb. I remeber it fondly.

what was the name of that game from elementary school where you had to hunt and shoot buffalo?

eitherway, I'm gonna go get a byte to eat.

sweet. but as you know, my memory is shit.

I wouldn't mind stabbing every techie in the throat with a frozen fish stick.

Those jokes are almost as awful as the ones I used to here while smoking weed behind where the marching band practiced in HS.