OK, what did everyone get for Xmas?????


Bare-faced cheek
Jul 4, 2003
Me, I got no 'big-ticket-items' this year. From the missus I got a 2004 student diary and some pens. From mummy and daddy I got some clothes and 100 bucks. My biggest prezzie was an expresso machine from my stepdaughter, which rocks!

No CD's this year, but with an extensive collection at our library my burner is working overtime I can tell you.
I got cash.. mostly, wich suits me well, as I've got to pay back what i owe for the tarantula I got a month ago :Spin:
I also got some clothes, a book and LotR: Two Towers Extended Edition. Yup, think that's it.
machine said:
yea, cash is cool. I like the way you can exchange it for goods and services of your own choice.
Oh, and very 'pythonesque' about the tarantula too.
Yeah! At least it's better than those gifts you've got to PRETEND to like... god, i hate those :erk: I think it's a curse or sumthin... I get alot of those gifts!
I'm so incredibly fascinated by tarantulas, so what was more natural than purchasing one? :) Though mine tends to be a little bit grumpy... i don't think she likes me :err:
Well, I got $100 from my boss. Other than that, nothing. I did spend a great deal of money on a new computer for myself....

Alienware P4 3.2ghz 1 gig Corsair ram, Radeon 9800XT 256m, 120g sata drive, Plextor DVDR...

In a few days, I'll have saved enough to get my Samsung 21" LCD monitor :)

Sunlapse, you get a voucher with a serial for Half Life 2 when it comes out. :devil:
SunlapseVertigo said:
oh shit i forgot.... thats awesome....! now its like the card was only $430!
Yeah, it definitey made my day when I got that card :devil:

*has doom3 preordered too* :hotjump:
the two towers extended edition
pirates of the caribean
from dusk till dawn box set
devildriver on cd
audioslave on cd and on dvd
pink floyd dark side of the moon on dvd
lotr in red leather hardback
the hobbit in green leather hardback

also have southpark the first season on dvd :hotjump:
I got 3 CD's:
Entombed - Morning Star
Entombed - To Ride, Shoot Straight And Speak The Truth
Rush - Hemispheres

Halloween DVD

Pens and Paper

Chocolate Money, Toblerome


I got a book, second book of the Sovereign Stone Trilogy :) Then I got a box of chocolate and some money. That's what you get when you say you don't want anything :p
i got a Nintendo Gamecube
Madden 2004
Children of Bodom- Hate Crew Deathroll
The Electric Joe Satriani an anthology 2 disc set
some chocolates
adidas cologne and after shave&balm
an ibanez guitars and basses t-shirt to match my hoodie i got 2 months before it
money, cards, and clothes