Ok, yesterday I listened to St. Anger 5 times and watched the DVD once...


May 4, 2003
Lost and Damned
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...and now I feel authorized to say the new Metallica album is very sub-par. It's worse than both Load and Reload. It's heavier, that's for sure, but the songwriting is very unimpressive, the production is probably the worst thing to ever come out on a major label release and Jaymz has lost quite some of his singing ability, in fact; he even sigs out of tune a few times. Since there are no solos, you'd think the songs are shorter and more commercial, but that is not the case here. Instead, the songs are on a avarage about 6.40 - 6.50 minutes. The songs doesn't have any epicness to them, just repedetiveness. The only people who likes this album are the die-hard fans. Everyone else I know says it sucks, and I wouldn't go against that.

There ya go, this will be my last topic about Metallica. Well, at least until another album comes out.
i had it 4.06 - Kirk and James were in Warsaw that day and after the meeting with them St.Anger was set free
i listen to it all the time
i can agree it is not back to the roots - (KA or AJFA) but there are some speedy moments - and not just a few
some riffs are a bit COC - Down style but what can i say - i like this kind of music
vocal - some may like it - some will hate it - i like his singing.
a lot of tempo shifts
strange sound
however i think the record is very good - and i like it from the first listening which happens very seldom
I popped it into my pc at work yesterday and just listened to it over and over. I really really tried. It is the worst, most insulting piece of shit cd I have heard in a long time. Mediocre songs at best, and the worst production I have ever heard from a professional band. I feel ripped off and completely insulted. I thought nothing could stoop lower than re-load, but they have proven me wrong.

Goddamn, when I think about the Gathering, and the fact that Chuck toured with friggen TUMORS inside him and all that that band has been through with this industry.... and the fact that Metallica is going to get the royal treatment wherever they go for just raping their fans....UGGGGGGGGHHHHH! I want to hurt someone. I want to hurt Lars, that little whiny fucking princess. That cover art is missing one thing... the middle finger should be fully extended as this disc is a giant FUCK YOU to anyone who loved metallica when they were a metal band. I was psyched about Robert Trujillo joining. Now I am upset that I have to associate such a brilliant performer with these men for whom I have no remaining respect.
I agree with both of you Epica and j9bootsie . I am really sorry that i bought this album............I do realize that they are no longer the Mettalica that i use to love since they put out the black album....The album is unimpressive.........souless...............
~I knew this would happen. Metallica goes back to playing heavy riffs and speed metal, and people still don't like them. No solos, who cares? Kirk isn't exactly a whiz in the guitar department in the first place. I like it, I like Megadeth and Anthrax and Slayer and I'm not afraid to say it. I'd rather NOT hear these bands do anything like sme of my favs At The Gates, or Dark Tranquility, or Arch Enemy becuse the big four are old and would sound pathetic trying to do that stuff. This is about what I expected from Metallica at this point, and if anyone thinks St. Anger is worse than Load then you're no less than an idiot. Apparently Testament is incapable of making mistakes and every album they've done is perfect, yeah right.
i downloaded it- it is pretty bad, I liked the Sweet Amber song, and My World- but they are both rather mediocre.

Did they listen to the album before they released it? Everything sucks, the singing, the riffs, the drumming, the production, the lyrics- the some kind of monster song is hilariously bad.

What the hell happened to Lars- he sucks- and the drum production is god-awful.

I am sorry but anyone defending this album, needs help- I dont know of any redeeming moments musically on any song- Or if there are redeeming moments they are repeated over and over for 6 minutes. I am listening to Invisible Kid as I type this, and I swear they have repeated the same riff and chorus over and over for 8 minutes

Finally, the band has more money than god, and this is the production job they came up with- did they make it god awful to hide how bad the songs really are? I also think it is time to hire a co-writer like Ozzy has done for the last few albums- maybe someone that can write lyrics, and songs that arent horribly repetitive.

Akumojo Dracula X3 said:
~I knew this would happen. Metallica goes back to playing heavy riffs and speed metal, and people still don't like them. No solos, who cares? Kirk isn't exactly a whiz in the guitar department in the first place. I like it, I like Megadeth and Anthrax and Slayer and I'm not afraid to say it. I'd rather NOT hear these bands do anything like sme of my favs At The Gates, or Dark Tranquility, or Arch Enemy becuse the big four are old and would sound pathetic trying to do that stuff. This is about what I expected from Metallica at this point, and if anyone thinks St. Anger is worse than Load then you're no less than an idiot. Apparently Testament is incapable of making mistakes and every album they've done is perfect, yeah right.

Are you listening to the same album we are?? Just curiouso_O

Have you ever even listened to Testament? They have great albums...EVERY one of them...NEVER EVER compare Testament with this piece of shit, horribly produced, after thought of an album. They have never...and will never put anything out that sucks...they can write, sing, and play better than Metallica ever did...or ever will do...

So go back to your crack pipe and post on the Metallica board...because obviously you've got on your fan boy blinders and your earplugs are firmly in place..
Akumojo Dracula X3 said:
~I like it, I like Megadeth and Anthrax and Slayer and I'm not afraid to say it. I'd rather NOT hear these bands do anything like sme of my favs At The Gates, or Dark Tranquility, or Arch Enemy becuse the big four are old and would sound pathetic trying to do that stuff. This is about what I expected from Metallica at this point, and if anyone thinks St. Anger is worse than Load then you're no less than an idiot. Apparently Testament is incapable of making mistakes and every album they've done is perfect, yeah right.

There is no shame in liking "the big 4" as you put it. However, to say that they are old, therefore they should be excused for putting out crap like this is so stupid! Listen carefully to this disc... it's not even all that heavy. There are some heavy parts, but the arrangement and production makes it just sound dirty and amateurish. Plenty of bands have been around as long as Metallica and still kick ass. Just saw the Metal Gods Tour and Rob Halford is still doing his thing -- and doing it very well! Chuck Billy at 40 has every bit as much power in his voice as he ever did. Watch him live -- his growls will rattle your fucking insides...The age excuse doesn't fly.

Christ, I just got home from seeing Jerry Lee Lewis tonight, and he was still awesome at 70 years old! If metallica couldn't turn their hearing aids on long enough to mix this album, that's not my problem.

I'll say this for Metallica -- they have balls. They continually test the loyalty of their fans by putting out garbage. Just because it's fast and obnoxious does not make it good, or even decent for that matter.

As for your Testament comment... name one Testament album that was such a letdown from start to finish. Name one album that was as bad as St. Anger. The only halfway decent thing about it was the packaging, and as I understand, people were getting that with Discs and booklets missing.... lucky for them.

I think Lars' biggest fear with the whole filesharing thing is that once people hear what kind of trash they are creating, noone will go out and waste their money. Come on... they have to know how bad this is!
i'm dumbfounded! i really am!
i just don't get how a band can go from writing such absolutely blindingly good songs and albums like kill 'em all - to justice - and i also think the black album is stunning, and then afterwards realease 3 completely boring and lifeless albums - load, reload and now st anger!

i mean fair enough - there are a few good songs on all of those albums - like, i really think unforgiven 2 is a great song, but all together - absolutely bullshit albums - and it's the same on st anger, which does have some good parts - but the majority are repetitive and lame attempts at "metal"lica.
They should fucking change their name to RockarollA or even NotmetallicA ( just to get their obvious message even clearer!)

i think i'll stick to the better metal bands out there...
testament here i come!! :D:D
MindInsane said:
Are you listening to the same album we are?? Just curiouso_O

Have you ever even listened to Testament? They have great albums...EVERY one of them...NEVER EVER compare Testament with this piece of shit, horribly produced, after thought of an album. They have never...and will never put anything out that sucks...they can write, sing, and play better than Metallica ever did...or ever will do...

So go back to your crack pipe and post on the Metallica board...because obviously you've got on your fan boy blinders and your earplugs are firmly in place..

Testament's the ritual was/is horrible, when that came out i was so disappointed!
if you were around or remember when it did come out back in 92 there was a huge backlash from metalheads concerning this album.

Im just glad testament got themselves going again.
Akumojo Dracula X3 said:
~I knew this would happen. Metallica goes back to playing heavy riffs and speed metal, and people still don't like them. No solos, who cares? Kirk isn't exactly a whiz in the guitar department in the first place. I like it, I like Megadeth and Anthrax and Slayer and I'm not afraid to say it. I'd rather NOT hear these bands do anything like sme of my favs At The Gates, or Dark Tranquility, or Arch Enemy becuse the big four are old and would sound pathetic trying to do that stuff. This is about what I expected from Metallica at this point, and if anyone thinks St. Anger is worse than Load then you're no less than an idiot. Apparently Testament is incapable of making mistakes and every album they've done is perfect, yeah right.

Uhmm yeah, but do yourself a favour and go listen Anthrax newest record We've come for you all. Even if it's no Among the living anymore and they have changed their style and will never go back, that album is killer, with great production, excellent song writning and they are even a bit older tha metallica... So no excuse. Man, even Megadeth's Wolrd need a hero is a great album (and I say that because it keep spopping in my stereo very often even after two years + since it's release). St. Anger... won't last long on my stereo. But here is a review I wrote in another forum:

Oh god......

Now I don't know if the song I just downloaded are form the real new record, but they really sound like St. anger (which video I saw enough times as to recognize the sound)... and jeez... They suck so much on so many levels it's even difficult to review it... Okay first thing, if I had to describe the album in one sentence it would be: St. Anger is the Same thing as Reload with a bit more speed, downtuned guitars and drums on steroids (which isn't always a good thing).

Now, on the production issue: Yes it is horrendous. Why? First, the drums volume is way to high... it buries the guitars and the bass; Same for the vocals, so pretty much you can hear Ulrich and Hetfield and the rest is just background noise... Second, WHO THE HELL chose to make the drums sound soooo shitty and on top of that add some echo to them.... Boy you can see Ulrich is the master of puppets in there (pun intended btw).

About the songs... IMO, they are too long for what they really are... It got to the point where i had to skip forward on almost every song because they all are too damn long and too damn repetitive, in their early days (MOP & AJFA) they always did long songs but they kept your attention by the means of epic guitar solos and cool rythmic mid-sections, both of whcih are non existent in this new opus.

As far as guitar plaYing goes, I must admit there are some cool riffs (And I just said "cool", not "amazing" or "incredible"), but most of them are crappy and uninteresting. The ultra low tuning actually makes them sound flat and lifless, and for my tastes the guitars are a bit too downtuned. Bass is nothing special as I can tell (or rather can't tell since the sound is buried under Ulrich's boring blast beats).

The drums.... Ah my favorite (sarcasm) part of th album. I think many people will think Metallica "is back" because monkey boy (aka) Lars U. plays prety fast, but speed means shit. Yes he plays fast and uses a lot of double pedals but heck, the core of his rythms are incredibly repetitive, thus incredibly boring. His fill-ins are boring as well and the over all sound of the drums fall flat once again bcause of the aforementioned shitty production.

And lastly: The vocals... Ok, I m sorry if anyone gets upset by reading this but Hetfield just can't sing anymore. In here he tries too much to sound good and end up sounding lacking. At times it seems he is trying to be a little too Justin Timberlake for his own good. Lyrics? --SNORT-- Booo-ring.

All in all, as some said: Is it better than Reload, sure it is, but is it better than anything else (load included) HELL NO!!!! And I m not bashing MEtallica because it's cool (although I admit it's a bit fun since it is so easy), cause I actually like LOAD a lot. I really like that album cause what they did, they did well, with ST. Anger, what they wanted to do, they didn't even come near, they failed miserably in my most honest opinion (unless they wanted to do some piece of lame ass musci of course in which case they succeeded).

Oh and Metallica never did innovate anything at all. When they slowed the pace with the black album and Load, Testament had already done that in Practice what you preach and Souls of Black, and with this album they are just following the old nu-metal style ( as in Korn's first two albums and Seplutura's Roots (minus they growling vocals)).

One word review: Disappointment (huge one!!!)

So you can see im not bashing metallica cause its cool, I m bashing them cause they sucked in this album.
estigma2001 said:
for your nick soulfly you love nu shit so .....
we are metalheads and metallica was a metal band now is a piece of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!

you are metalheads!! wow!!

so i am not coz:
i like Metallica (almost everything) Soulfly some Limp Bizkit songs even some Linkin Park, Slipknot, SOAD
what is even worse - i am huge fan of Ray Charles, Sting, Dire Straits
of corz the fact that i am also a fan of Testament, Slayer, Death Angel, Sepultura, Suicidal Tendencies, Megadeth, Iron Maiden doesn't matter...

u know what?
have u read my post carefully?
i wrote I like St.Anger - that is MY opinion -
i don't write u are stupid that u don't like it
I would also never write that something u like is a piece of crap just becauze i don't like it
everybody can have his opinion about certain kinds of music
that is all
the way of thinking "what i listen to is good the rest is crap" is characteristic for childreen in kindergarden

by the way this week i saw Iron Maiden in Poland and Metallica in Berlin - both those gigs were amazing





snickers said:
Testament's the ritual was/is horrible, when that came out i was so disappointed!
if you were around or remember when it did come out back in 92 there was a huge backlash from metalheads concerning this album.

Im just glad testament got themselves going again.

Um...yea I was around...and I like The Ritual, granted it wasn't like their previous stuff it was very listenable and I enjoy it. A lot of people piss and moan about Demonic too and I LOVE it..Testament pulls every new direction off well..and it's all good as far as I'm concerned.

Oh yea...and regarding the "backlash from the metalheads" I never really listened to anyone else..their opinion doesn't sway me in the least..I like what I like...end of story:Smug: