okay about this mosque business


Sep 12, 2002
i was hesitant to bring this up before, but was this weekend some big holiday for judaism? can avyone answer?

because basically the houses (dual flat houses-big uns) on either side of dis one are homes to orthodox jewish folk, and i think the house on the right hates us, because one of the straggling 3 year olds informed one of my burly roommates that they weren't allowed to play or walk in front of our steps anymore.

so this weekend, the hateful house was PACKED with young orthodoxy kids (12-14 year olds?), and they were certainly loud and wild, all of them, which was made a little worse by the proximity of these houses and my particular living space to the adjoining background and driveway (we have a shared driveway w/ them)

but the BAD part was when they kept having functions until late night. granted, it was the weekend, but on saturday in particular, i got home @ around 1 am and due to the fact that my front door key doesn't work, i have to traipse around in the darkness and slug in the back door. except this time around i didn't have to grope because there was a big whompin BBQ going on, with screaming, amish-clad kids at that hour!!

my strategy for large crowds is this: walk and look like you have something to do; don't make eye contact. i'm hermetic. i don't even want or like to hear my voice in public. so i'm kind of inching by this large crowd of sweating humans, who have fire and meat roasting, and are yelling, loudly, hoping to make it to the door w/o incident, and thinking that they must be thinking "oh now THIS looks sketchy", and i hear one of the young men proclaim (above the din): HEY, DO YOU WANT TO MEET YOUR MAKER?

nothing happened and i got in without incident. i was telling myself that it was just one of the kids horsing around w/ another kid. and not a death threat.

so maybe this was just a retreat or something?
my friend Jon was picking up a friend who lives about a block from me (we live in a heavily Russian Jewish Orthodox area with Amish-looking people all over) just after sundown on a Friday night. it was dark out and he was driving a big SUV and swung recklessly into her driveway blowing his horn WHONK WHOOONK WHOOONK.

and screeched to a stop because he had pulled right up into a mass of black-clad (read: invisible) Jewish families, at least two. they had leapt back and were arrayed around three sides of his SUV staring at him in horror while he WHOOONK WHOONK WHOOONKed. the mothers were holding their children defencively and everyone was staring at him with accusatory eyes.

sara (the girl) refused to come out of the house. they all slowly shuffled down the street off to temple and Jon had to wait quite some time before the humiliated sara would come out and get in the car.

the salient feature of this story is that i'm curious whether you can get a discount on the shoulder-fired missile if you hint around that you live next to some annoying Jews and wouldn't it be nice if you had something packed with propellant and explosive for the next time they had a kosherque?