Okay, guys...dream setlist time


New Metal Member
Sep 22, 2005
Fill an hour or two with your dream Opeth setlist.

Here's mine:

The first hour is solely devoted to playing Still Life in its entirety. C'mon, I've seen them 3 times now, and I've only heard Face Of Melinda (which was one of the crowning moments of my life) and The Moor live. For real, I want Godhead's Lament, White Cluster, and especially Serenity Painted Death and Moonlapse Vertigo.

The second hour or half hour or whatever they had left would have assorted songs.

1. The Moor
2. Godhead's Lament
3. Benighted
4. Moonlapse Vertigo
5. Face Of Melinda
6. Serenity Painted Death
7. White Cluster

At this point, they could do the normal Opeth intro.

8. The Baying Of The Hounds
9. April Ethereal (I've already heard it live, but it fucking slays, so it stays on the list)
10. Karma/Epilogue (Lopez picks this as his least favorite song, why???)
11. Ghosts Of Perdition/Hours Of Wealth
12. Dirge For November
13. Wreath/Ending Credits
14. Demon Of The Fall/Isolation Years (seriously, how could you have an Opeth show that didn't end with Demon Of The Fall, but the short Isolation Years would have me in tears if I heard it live, so that's on there too)

Okay, I cheated, but seriously, why do Opeth take opening acts with them? I think every fan would rather just see them play a 2 and a half hour set.

April Ethereal
* Harvest
Ghost Of Perdition
Baying Of The Hounds
* Credence
* Moonlapse Vertigo
Twilight Is My Robe
* A Fair Judgment
Godhead's Lament
Dirge For November

without * it would make an 1,5 hours show. with the * songs, we would get a full 2h apocalypse...
The moor (is the perfect start)
Black rose immortal
The drapery falls
Masters Apprentices
Twillight is my robe
Forest of october
The Baying of the hounds
Ghost of perdition
Mordet i grottan
Mordet i grottan again
Remember tomorrow
Face of melinda
In the mist she was standing (this was the beginning of Opeth for me and should be the end)
Had to search for this thread because I didn't want to start a duplicate...

An evening with Opeth:

The Baying of the Hounds
The Moor
Godhead's Lament
Master's Apprentices
The Night and the Silent Water
Moonlapse Vertigo


Blackwater Park
Ghost of Perdition
Patterns in the Ivy 2
Under the Weeping Moon
April Ethereal
The Leper Affinity
Serenity Painted Death

Demon of the Fall
affinityband said:
I wpould watch tentivley to hear every single song and would sit there for about 9 an a half hours to hear it. Fuck choosing, my dream would be to hear it all.
drunk? :lol:
Forest of October
Isolation Years
Godhead's Lament
April Etheral
The Night and the Silent Water
The Leper Affinity
Death Whispered a Lullaby
Still Day Beneath the Sun

and finally, my favorite song to end the night....
Dirge for November
although demon is awesome, it's not a good closer IMO. The ending just doesn't have the right mood to finish a gig.

It should def be BWP. I vote it THE BEST ending of any opeth track.

*edit* im going out for beers. I shall think about my dream setlist over a nice cool pint of ale, whilst eyeing up a few nice ladies.
At first part all My arms your hearse album(which is my all time favourite)
at the second part
The Moor
The Baying Of The Hounds
Forest Of October
Moonlapse Vertigo
Dirge For November
Under the Weeping Moon
The Night And Silent Water
Godhead's Lament
Harlequin Forest
This concert can be very long but it is short for opeth.Because they make incredible songs.
First Set= 1hrs 30 min

Ghost of Perdition
The Baying of the Hounds
Beneath the Mire
The Leper Affinity
To Rid the Disease
The Drapery Falls
A Fair Judgment


Second Set= 1hr 15min

The Moor
Godhead's Lament
Serenity Painted Death
The Funeral Portrait
Demon of the Fall

Blackwater Park
What Per does on the keys for Weakness is better than the album (from what I've seen on the DVD)... something about the harmonies. It's not necessarily a song I'd need to see live, though. Master's Apprentices is great, but it would be really fuckin sweet if they worked out the vocal harmonies near the middle part.
i think seeing weakness live would be really great. i think it would be really close and personal to see akerfeldt just up there by himself on the guitar with per on the keys. i dunno man i just thing its a really... personal song if you get what i mean
i love weakness... heaps of people dont 'get' it or just simply dont like it but i think its an incredible track. id also want to hear, the moor, moonlapse vertigo, windowpane, hope leaves, when, april ethereal and of course, to bid you farewell. i think nectar would go down sweetly as well.
From what I've seen on the Norway '03 vid, Advent is really tight live. My list is oriented more towards the Death Metal side of Opeth, but I guess Weakness should be in there somewhere.