okay mailroom guys! get on the ball!!!


Aug 2, 2002
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(1) i left my keys at my mom and dad's accidentally and i KNOW they were delivered here overnight mail by 9 am today and they are claiming to NOT have them.


(2) my martial arts instructor sent me a really neat gym bag from japan (it says MARTIAL ARTS! on it) and said it would be here by tuesday AT THE LATEST and they are saying it's not there yet.


they will all be sorry they held my fucking mail!
ahahahhhhhhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahyahahahahahahahahahayhahahajajajajajajajajajaha hja hajajhajkaja ujaahajah ajaha aha... I don't get it....mwhahashahahahhahahahahsahsahahhahaahahahah just joshin you guys, jsut joshin, man that's a big laod for such a small dude

I'd dig it, totally- badly drawn is perfect.

really- whenever you get time to do one, that'd be awesometastic.
can i do something for you?
no money, though. i have none as the resources have been allocated for the pungent stench show.
i'm worried because i am currently trying to draw a monster that would be a goatsucker and it's coming out all sorts of cartoonish and not scary at all :|