Okay, so FUCK Battery 3.. I need a solution


Nov 30, 2007
Dayton, Ohio
I need a sampler that does allll of these things..

1. I need to be able to upload my own samples
2. Needs multisampling
3. Needs a sort of midi threshold so that I can trigger softer samples if the velocity is turned down.
3. Needs to not royally suck ass on W7.

Battery is REALLY what I need, but god damn does it suck on my machine. Any good alternatives?
really interested to see what some people suggest

i personally use battery 3 and kontakt 3 / 4

someone seriously needs to make a sampler that works just like drumagog, tho. there's a shit ton of settings i dont need in kontakt. but no other sampler can do what i get it to do. and doing it with drumagog is very inefficient in terms of workflow and memory.
for drums with midi i use the LM7 (wery simple device)wich is built in in Cubase, i make my samples and then i rename them as the samples from the Lm7 library and owerrite them so when i play back my midi, it plays back with my samples,i can edit velocity... i use this for snare and kick mostly and blend them with SD2.
As for the multisample thing you can use on 3-4 tracks with different samples ;
LM7 it is not heavy on CPU at all,
It works for me!
really interested to see what some people suggest

i personally use battery 3 and kontakt 3 / 4

someone seriously needs to make a sampler that works just like drumagog, tho. there's a shit ton of settings i dont need in kontakt. but no other sampler can do what i get it to do. and doing it with drumagog is very inefficient in terms of workflow and memory.

Any chance you're running battery on W7? For some reason Battery is HATING me.. It's missing notes alll over the place. I had a setup with drumagog where 37 triggered soft, 38 medium, 39 hard, and 40 crack.. but that's just so fucking messy and inefficient.
You know what? I'm a total noooobb... totally didn't realize that you can load multiple samples under each cell. HURRRRRR Got it working, now! DURRR HURRRRR DURRRRRRRR