Drum Samples, Replacement, Triggers FAQ

okay... so there's gotta be someway to take the drums out of the overheads to get only cymbals besides putting a high pass at 6754372332khz and sounding like crap.

the reason i need to do this is because I'm using triggers>interface>logic drum replacement> midi. then, i've just gotta click quantize and the drums are perfect. however, the drums that were slightly off time bleed through the overheads like a mofo... how the heck do you get these out (without doing something ridiculous.. i've seen people do it, i just don't know how!!)

help pleaseeee.
okay... so there's gotta be someway to take the drums out of the overheads to get only cymbals besides putting a high pass at 6754372332khz and sounding like crap.

the reason i need to do this is because I'm using triggers>interface>logic drum replacement> midi. then, i've just gotta click quantize and the drums are perfect. however, the drums that were slightly off time bleed through the overheads like a mofo... how the heck do you get these out (without doing something ridiculous.. i've seen people do it, i just don't know how!!)

help pleaseeee.

You need to beat detect the overheads. This is the only way.
dang... is there an easy way to do this in logic 9??

for my band, we just recorded the cymbals separate and it sounds freakin great. i don't wanna have to tell other drummers that come in here, though, that they have to do drums and cymbals separate.
Ok, so I am brand new to triggering in the studio. I've done live recording all my career and have recently gotten into the triggering for some of my smaller bands wanting a more TDWP sound. Anyway, I have the ddrum acoustic pro triggers and the Digidesign 003 Rack with ProTools 7.4. Here's my issue:

I get no sound at all from my triggers to my Pro Tools. When I plug in the XLR - TS 1/4" cable that I was told to purchase into my 003 Rack no sound comes through, HOWEVER, when I plug in an XLR - XLR I get sound. This is unfortunate because my 003 only has 4 XLR inputs and 4 1/4" inputs. The drum set requires five triggers and two OH mics to record completely.

Why am I not getting any sound from my XLR - TS 1/4" cables and what is the easiest solution?
This is a good tutorial but I have personally found that any sound replacer leaves me with small Phase issues so i use the Tab To Transient command and manually replace all my sounds now. Its also 100% free if you do that.
Ok, so I am brand new to triggering in the studio. I've done live recording all my career and have recently gotten into the triggering for some of my smaller bands wanting a more TDWP sound. Anyway, I have the ddrum acoustic pro triggers and the Digidesign 003 Rack with ProTools 7.4. Here's my issue:

I get no sound at all from my triggers to my Pro Tools. When I plug in the XLR - TS 1/4" cable that I was told to purchase into my 003 Rack no sound comes through, HOWEVER, when I plug in an XLR - XLR I get sound. This is unfortunate because my 003 only has 4 XLR inputs and 4 1/4" inputs. The drum set requires five triggers and two OH mics to record completely.

Why am I not getting any sound from my XLR - TS 1/4" cables and what is the easiest solution?

Are you plugging into the ts inputs on channels 1-4? If so then make sure you press the Mic/DI button on the front panel.

If it's not that then I don't know whats wrong dude.
Are you plugging into the ts inputs on channels 1-4? If so then make sure you press the Mic/DI button on the front panel.

If it's not that then I don't know whats wrong dude.

Hey man,
Yeah. I am actually plugging them into 3-7 and yes, on 3 and 4 I am pushing the Mic/DI button. Thanks for the feedback, though. Like I said, I'm probably just missing a very simple step here. Thank you.
I feel like an idiot for asking this, but I really have no idea what to do.

So, I have ApTrigga 2 running in Reaper and whenever I want to sample a snare, kick, or anything in Superior 2 it literally plays every hit that Superior plays. For example, let's say I have it loaded up on my snare track; once I load a sample it plays on the same beat as the cymbals, kick, snare, ect. Btw I'm just using Guitar Pro midi files.

Basically, I'm doing something wrong, is there a certain way I should route this? Any help would be amazing.
I had my default template send each instrument (or group) to a different audio track - tell the plugin to send different instruments to different audio channels, and have Reaper route the different channels to their own tracks.

I had my default template send each instrument (or group) to a different audio track - tell the plugin to send different instruments to different audio channels, and have Reaper route the different channels to their own tracks.

I must be reeeally dumb because I can't for the life of me get this to work. Anyone use ApTrigga 2 and Superior for sampling stuff, and go in as much detail as possible? haha
Tell me how you're doing things and where you get stuck. I didn't use Superior 2, but it *has* to be possible to do what I described; if I can get to a Windows computer anytime soon I'll take some screenshots, but that will take a while.

What exactly are you trying to do with it? It's not a "sampler" where you can feed it multiple MIDI notes and it will know which notes should trigger which samples, if that's what you are trying for. It's just like Drumagog where you can feed it MIDI and it will trigger from every MIDI note it receives, just can't assign what sample gets triggered from which note. So if you were trying to do a whole drumset, for example, you would need multiple MIDI tracks (one for kick, one for snare, one for each tom separately), and have apTrigga for each of those (so let's say 5 instances for kick/snare/t1/t2/t3 setup) and have your samples in each one. Then you'd route each MIDI track's output to the corresponding apTrigga and it'll play back in real time no problemo. Sounds kinda elaborate, BUT the good news is that it barely even takes any resources, especially compared to Drumagog...shit, before I could only have like 3 instances of Drumagog in unrealistic testing vs. 15 instances of apTrigga with the same sample sets in the same test.

This pretty much answered my question. But, I would like to know what the fastest way to take out the seperate midi notes for snare, kick, ect. without having to edit out everything in Guitar Pro.
No mention of Steve Massey DTM??

I believe a full version is on its way. ( for those who don't know, the original was a free demo, and is without doubt the best drum to midi plugin you can get )

check it out if you get chance.

I don't know if this has been answered somewhere, but I would love how to overcome this problem I'm having.
I'm using ApTrigga2 and Superior Drummer with MIDI files I've made in Guitar Pro.

Let's say I have a part of the song where the snare needs to build up and start at a velocity of around 20-30 and go up to 127? Every time I do this I set the threshold so it picks up the soft hits, but then the hard hits don't pick up. Also, if I have a section where the snare is fast, it seems to leave out every other note. Basically, I want to know if ApTrigga2 can pick up any velocity from a midi note, and how to do so.
Hi all,

Haven't found anything if you save everything as wav or keep it as MIDI. I use SX3 and here it is not possible to use etc drumagog och other plugins when tracks is midi. Is it the same in other/newer software or do you all export to wav before mixing.
