OL online shop


Apr 19, 2005
Hello guys! :D

I want to buy an OL T-shirt, but I can't find any at the shops here in Athens (Greece). I know that there is the online shop at their site, but I don't know what to do. I have never bought anything via internet and I would like to know if it is safe to do it.
Kalws irthes!!! :hotjump:
Welcome Orfanos :wave:
You can order Orphaned Land goodies,from the official site.There are details there,about orderings.As for the payment method,it's 100% safe.

Gia opoiadipote peraiterw pliroforia h aporia,steile mou ena prwsopiko minima kai tha se boithisw.
Hi, you just need to register by PayPal and order through the OL web site and everything runs from alone ;)

Greetings --> Gergana
Paypal is very safe and very customer friendly.. Best of all its supported by almost everybody.