You've had a bunch of amps shipped to you from the states, right? How much does it run?
I need to get my Hellfire out to you asap. I could use the press
Now where talking
but I don't know to much about how expensive it is to ship here, probably around 150-200 USD what do I know. You can always try to check fedex and the guys, you can use my zipcode address to count a price.
18144 Lidingö, Stockholm
Or just try stockholm.
Can't wait dude!
You could ship one to that guy on Youtube, Drew his name is... FastPonyCar or something. Does demos for Jet City among others.
maybe we can do a fundraiser type thing for you wolfeman! i know i would love to hear ola do a sample of your amp. i would throw in 25-40 bucks to get it to him