Old Anthrax VHS to DVD Anytime Soon?

some vhs never came to greece i think some japaneese edition vhs
like the <<white videos >>(something like that) from the sound of white noise
anyone has those?
thraxx said:
I have a great copy of NFV... on DVD!!!! Great Quality...
Where did you get it!!??? I have been looking for even the VHS for the last 10 years and I have not found it short of on eBay, and i wasnt going to bid $100 for it. Dude, if ya got an addy or something or if ya got a DD burner, hook a brother up!!
efkarpos said:
some vhs never came to greece i think some japaneese edition vhs
like the <<white videos >>(something like that) from the sound of white noise
anyone has those?
I have Return of the Killer As on DVD.
efkarpos said:
some vhs never came to greece i think some japaneese edition vhs
like the <<white videos >>(something like that) from the sound of white noise
anyone has those?

jap versions is outt production,just buy killer a's dvd,it has alot of vid clips,as far as converting i am sure there are a few people hear that know how to rip vhs to dvd,ujust need a hlaf decent computer with the right software,i cant do it with my current set up but maybe next computer purchase i will .
mrthrax said:
jap versions is outt production,just buy killer a's dvd,it has alot of vid clips,as far as converting i am sure there are a few people hear that know how to rip vhs to dvd,ujust need a hlaf decent computer with the right software,i cant do it with my current set up but maybe next computer purchase i will .
I actually just ripped a VHS yesterday to my computer, but it was such a shitty VHS that i think it made the quality worse haha
I cant find the thread now, didnt Thraxdude mention to look out for something about a week prior to the NHW release? I thought perhaps these vids were to be released on dvd? I may have misunderstood.
i have dl ,nfv deleetd it cause quality was bad,soulseek is a good place to find vhs rips and dvd rips,u just have to have good dhit to rade thats all.
judging by the sales of the recent anthrax re-issues and by the band members' statements to the effect of SOE being their least favorite album, I don't see the interest the band would have to re-issue it.
I Have NFV (Japanese edition) VHS Rip, which is A+ Quality and Live Noize from the POT tour (also A Quality) and some other bootlegs from the band (1986-2005). If anybody is interested on a trade, drope me a PM.

Also i you have a VHS Bootleg that you want to transfer into DVD, let me know, i can do the work.

jcfuel said:
I Have NFV (Japanese edition) VHS Rip, which is A+ Quality and Live Noize from the POT tour (also A Quality) and some other bootlegs from the band (1986-2005). If anybody is interested on a trade, drope me a PM.

Also i you have a VHS Bootleg that you want to transfer into DVD, let me know, i can do the work.


i have some cool anthrax and pantera dvds,want me to send u a list?