Old (last year) AMON AMARTH interview...

One thing I just don't understand...that thing with that fire.
In every(!) interview I read about AA was this question: "What means that fire?"
Why asks every magazine the same things???:err:
I've read in another interview that the fire was supposed to symbolize the very essence of AA's theme...the boldness and rage, perhaps...ask Johan...
Kibitzer: Ok, this band is pretty new to me, I never heard of them prior to the Inquisition Review listing. Anyway, the opening track "Death in Fire" is a very good heavy hitter to begin with but just as soon as the vocals kicked in, I just couldn't get into it. Sad to say that I only like the music and not the vocalist. Going full throat for this band isn't what they should be focusing on. The musicianship is well polished with very little lackluster. The only complaint is the vocals. There are some people that can pull off belting out throat at full throttle, but to me this band could have done without those types of vocals. Not trying to deface the band or derogate its intentions of being a Heavy Metal band. In my opinion, for the caliber of playing that they are doing, they should actually go with "Clean" vocals. Nonetheless, a cool release, just not doing anything for me at all. I give "Versus The World" 3 stars out of 5. In my opinion, they can do much better than this. Amon Amarth is heavy, just not enough for me to jump up and down to want more.

OK this is one of the reviewers on the site about V's The World...Hardly any of the reviewers on the site know what they are on about...They keep on going about the Gothenburg scene FIRST THINGS FIRST!! AA IS NOT FUCKING FROM GOTHENBURG!!! Second This guy above suggesting that AA should have (CLEAN) vocals LMFAO!!!! This shows that his favourite band is Backstreet Boys and in this guys past time he doesnt mind shoving foreign objects up his arse AKA A FUCKING FAG!!!!!!
AA aren't from Gothenburg and fuck, they are way superior than the Melodeath copycats out in Sweden...Which is why AA, along with Edge of Sanity and Hypocrisy, is the best from Sweden every...Why settle for less when you can have AA?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and has an area in Metal where they are more experienced with.

You are an ignorant person who when hearing something you don´t agree with immediately transform into a kindergartener and hurl insults. Haven´t you got a brain inside your skull or is it empty like a majority of this planet ?

And lastly even though I am probably wasting my time:

Maybe you should actually READ what is said instead of thinking what kind of insult you will use because someone had a different opinion than you... In none of our reviews did we say that AMON AMARTH is FROM Gothenburg... a few of us mentioned they had a bit of the Gothenburg SOUND in the music... There is a difference... :p
I also wanted to add that the great thing about the internet is you aren´t FORCED to go anywhere, so if you think we don´t know what we are talking about then there are plenty of other sites out there for you to enjoy... :)