Amon Amarth Interview

Hehe, what a wiseass he is. These guys sound like something fun to make fun of... I mean, that's like my dad's look, you know? We still have people like that, but they're all like 55-65 now, lol.
There's a group of people, like you have heavy metal people and you have punks; there's a group who call themselves rockgennga (???-I wasn't sure what the Swedish word he said was, but he's talking about Rockabilly). They look like guys from the 50s. They have hair like Elvis Presley and listen to Elvis Presley and they ride big American old cars. They run around with the big cars and they fight and they just make a mess. All their symbols are American symbols. There are pretty many of them. Its almost as big as heavy metal or being a punk or whatever.
Is it wrong that when I read the interviews, my brain reads them in Skwisgaar's voice? No offense, I've never actually heard any of the band talking. I never talk to anyone, hehe, I'm too fucking shy.

Cool interview tho :)
Well, I'm shy as well, lol, which can be a problem when it comes to interviewing bands... However, it gets even worse afterwards, when I listen to my own voice while working on the interview transcriptions :oops:
P.S. - thanks!
I know what you mean, I hate the sound of my recorded voice, especially my 'conversation' voice. Actually, no, I really don't like the sound of my voice... that's why I took up bass instead of trying to be a vocalist. :p
Hehe, what a wiseass he is. These guys sound like something fun to make fun of... I mean, that's like my dad's look, you know? We still have people like that, but they're all like 55-65 now, lol.

Dear gawd, I thought those dudes were extinct by now! I know exactly what he's on about. Unfortunately. If nothing else would kill that subculture, I'd have expected the gasprices to have done it by now. They drive these big flashy American gas-gussler jobbies. They must have lots of disposable income. Actually, come to think about it, no, cuz the way I reacall it, they only took those things out on the weekend to go cruising around this one block in Stockholm... Anyhow... Good interview.
that's what i've noticed while in Sweden, lots of huge american cars from 60's and 70's, I've noticed more of those than dudes in metal shirts or long hair

Dear gawd, I thought those dudes were extinct by now! I know exactly what he's on about. Unfortunately. If nothing else would kill that subculture, I'd have expected the gasprices to have done it by now. They drive these big flashy American gas-gussler jobbies. They must have lots of disposable income. Actually, come to think about it, no, cuz the way I reacall it, they only took those things out on the weekend to go cruising around this one block in Stockholm... Anyhow... Good interview.
I know a few Rockabilly/Psychobilly types, but they aren't really the guys guys that start fights.
I just find it highly amusing... In the US, you have the wannabe Vikings. In Sweden, you have the wannabe greasers. In my jumbled up excuse for a mind, I come up with a picture of Vikings trying to be greasers, and it's really amusing... but probably only to myself.