Interview Questions: What do you want to know?

Nice - they seem like they have good senses of humor in the interviews I've seen so hopefully they'll be receptive. It looks like you're based in Chicago - I'll be there Thursday too. Have you ever been to the Bottom Lounge before? I am not sure what to expect.

ted seemed to have a good sense of humor. he was pretty tired though because he'd been doing interviews all day and i was the last one.

and i am keeping track of all of your questions (espcially doing another bloodshed show).

jerome. i'm actually based out of milwaukee but i love going to chicago. i've been to the bottom lounge several times. i think this will be my fourth or fifth. it's actually part of an hold factory. the front has a cool metal bar feel to it. have tons of beer available and good food. the concert area is a small hole in the wall. very intimate environment with great acoustics. one of my favorite venues.
I would like to know..
What is that tattoo on Johan Hegg's arm?
Where did Ted get his Thor's hammer pendant?
Where does Johan Hegg buy the leather armbands he wears?

and now for something completely different.
I would like to know..
What is that tattoo on Johan Hegg's arm?
Where did Ted get his Thor's hammer pendant?
Where does Johan Hegg buy the leather armbands he wears?

Why Rhonda I would almost think you are trying to have a piss :lol:

Would be funny to hear how they'd react to the questions though, since it's (very) likely they've heard them a few times in the past.
Why Rhonda I would almost think you are trying to have a piss :lol:

Would be funny to hear how they'd react to the questions though, since it's (very) likely they've heard them a few times in the past.

naaaaa.... I think these are innovative and creative questions that need to be asked :D :D :D :D

and when you really ask them, tell them who these Questions came from ;)
"Vilewoman would like to know..."

All 5, "no response" before any questions are asked.

Yes Gnoff, I maybe having a bit of fun at the expense of the thread....would you all expect anything less of me?
In case they’d be contacted and asked to perform a movie’s soundtrack, I would be interested if they’d choose to go with the material they have or they’d rather like to write something new and unheard of?
That’s what I would like to know.

Kobusfan said:
Does Johan ever 'warm up' (vocals) before a show & has he gone for vocal training?
What was Fredrik's first drumkit?
How did/is the tour thing go with Bodom?
What has been their fav tour and why?
Fav band to tour with.

I remember Hegg saying that he’s recently begun to take vocal training. Also that the tour with CoB was fantastic and that they enjoyed Ensiferum a lot to tour with.

Keenan said:
What do they think of what Marvel Comics does with Thor and the rest of Asgardian lore?

Hegg stated that he finds the movie very cheesy. He also said that there are few Viking films out there that really counts for something. About the cheesy thing, he mentioned that he knows that for a fact giving as example the “13th Warrior” movie. Somebody he knows (a think a friend’s girlfriend or something like that) worked for that movie and that the actors and figurants had two wardrobes. One with modern lookin’ leather like clothing (rock star type) and one with real authentic Viking clothing. Everyone rushed in the former one to pick their clothes.
Olavi said that he hasn’t seen the movie; ‘didn’t seem to matter all that much to him (hehe, typical Olavi. ‘Love that man! :))

When your interview is done, don't forget to come back in here with a link.
Somebody wrotes in another thread that AA’s music is a good therapy for him.
For me it works similary when I feel somehow hurt or so. It comforts me and gives me calm as well as power (though there are songs which provoke tears sometimes of course.)
Does their own music help them in such particulary cases as well or do they choose another way/other music?
Do they know about their psycholigical or pastoral skills?

That's exactly what I would ask. I don't know how, but the feelings tha emerge in me when I'm listening to AA is relaxing and pumping at the same time. I've never gotten more chills than from this band. It's like if pure emotions where coming out of their music.