Do you guys have any questions?

waves to maili ;) (btw. reload ur handy.. i can´t call ya at the moment *g*)

Maybe the lyrics are just ironic, but I don't think so...

i think, even if they´r just joking with lyrics like in ZT or in "Total War - Winter War" - just some examples of the text: "November 1939, eastern front line
Machine gun fire, defending our pride
Four months of hell, thousands of bombs fell"
"Russia beaten up, over 200000 communists dead
If they want a new war, this time will kill them all"

i think it´s extremly poor to write such lyrics...
seems a cheap way to sell some more copies of their records to dump fascists...
Just for your information...
"Total War Winter War" is NOT about Nazi Germany vs is about FINLAND vs Russia, The Winter War... ;)

(In fact, I see the whole Finland-Russia thing A LITTLE like the whole Ireland-UK thing if you know what I mean...but let's not start discussing history and politics here, ok?)

Well, I don't think ImpNaz are neo-nazis.
Maili (my funny farm siztah :wave: ) I respect your opinion on ImpNaz, but mine 's a little different.
In my opinion the Z.T. lyrics are pretty harsh -tasteless in the sick joke way if you want- but nothing more.
But if you are new to the band -like I was a year ago- I think it's fully understandable that if one of the first things you know about or by Impaled Nazarene are the Zero Tolerance lyrics --you think the guys are stupid rednecks or neo-nazis or some shit like that.
First, I also thought "WTF??!!? Are those guys nazi nuts or what???".
But now that I know the band a little better -I've read MANY interviews and discussions, lots of stuff about ImpNaz and of course, gotten into their :kickass: music!- I think they are just a band with a chaotic, aggressive style who LOVE to "ruffle some feathers" as Fenrir said --BUT whose irony/black humour sometimes gets over-the-top and pretty tasteless (Zero Tolerance).
"I don't care about gays", Luttinen said in an interview, in which he also explained that the song was MEANT to be IRONIC....
I think that Z.T was quite over-the-top (they should have EXPECTED people's reactions!!!) and I do NOT agree with everything Luttinen says, but I still think ImpNaz are pretty cool, and I respect them.

Now back to the questions... what about asking the bunny why he spits all over the stage? :grin:
fenrir, have fun at the interview!!! How many questions will you ask them? and please put it online as fast as possible! I'm already curious :-)
you could ask them what they think the meaning of life is and if they still enjoy touring as much as they did 5 years ago.
A disease...hmmmmm

Personally I'm just against the idea of gays adopting kids. I mean, think of the poor kids, what the hell will they go through in school! :mad: "Hahahaha you have two dads who fuck eachother up the ass" *beatings beatings and more beatings and more harrassment from pre-school all the way to high school* sounds like fun, huh?

And maybe also the whole fashion culture and body image know, fashion designers (many of which ARE gay) making female models look like skinny young boys and thus shifting the female beauty ideal. IT'S REALLY GOTTEN OUT OF CONTROL. And you know the results :yuk: :Puke: <--out of disgust, NOT to become thinner
And no, I'm NOT being a whiney feminist here, I'm just telling the truth.

That's all; I am NOT for killing all gays or something like that. NO WAY. It's just that like EVERY group of people (christians, satanists, blacks, whites...), queers also fuck things up. But they are minority, and many of us (including me, but I've recently bought a clue ;) ) have become *too* PC to acknowledge that minorities can also fuck things up.

Don't get me wrong tho, I'm NOT becoming a fucking nazi!!! It's just that until not too long ago, I used to be a really stubborn leftist (and feminist), but now I've become a bit more open-minded.
fifty years ago kids would be mobbed for having a single mom, because of parents being divorced, because of being black, etc. Can't you see this is tha same case?

Kids are still mobbed for being fat, wearing glasses, being immigrant, affeminate or just ugly. This is always gonna happen. There will ALWAYS be an excuse to bring down the other. It's in the nasty human nature and children are just a frank picture of the adult society. This is a fact.

About the "disease" comment: Of course, that's what medicin doctors learn at universities. I don't even know why we're having this conversation, it's so obvious. All those gay people only need to go to the drug store and take a pill of "Homox" after their meals.
Well, I'm straight but I still don't know if I want to have kids. Probably not, or maybe one or maximum two.
Shadeg, do u think ppl with no kids are worth less? Just a question ;)
I do have some kind of a "mission"... to be useful, to give people something through my art (painting; I also wanna study film one day). But KIDS? I dunno...

@Missery: CUTE AVATAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Spin:
_Quarantine_ said:
Did you know that Earth is highly overpopulated?

The earth is not.
Settlements are.

for example, outside my house, to the back i have like 40miles of country land that is empty and is suitable for settlement.
same to the east and west.

There is plenty room on this earth but within settlements, there is not.
:loco: :hypno: :yow: :guh:

you turned my thread into a moral discussion class!!!! :lol: I wake up after a night of drinking and Mike Tyson's Punch Out and I come into political science class! Only here, only would this happen here :lol: :p :D

My opinion: humans in general are a disease :lol: after working around people who come into your store who'se breath is so bad it makes the wooden counters warp, or people who smell like they havn't showered in at least six years and you know they're coming from the flies and the foghorn sound, tend to give you this outlook :p

@Missery: Oh, it's less than 2 weeks now so it's cool! As for how many, I'm not sure yet. I have a bunch(some gotten from here, too!) and I am going to ask; but in person interviews that I have done also can turn into interesting discussions sometimes, so really, the questions are there as my 'base', but then I just let them go naturally. ANd i'll transcribe it as SOON as I get the chance. As for how long I have, where we do it(i hope I can take the guys out for a nice lunch at a diner for the interview if there's time), and who it will be won't be known till the day of the show; I am calling the manager pretty early. :D
@fenrir: that sounds pretty cool!
I guess it's better to not express my opinion about what the thread has become.....
NeedledWarheart said:
The earth is not.
Settlements are.

for example, outside my house, to the back i have like 40miles of country land that is empty and is suitable for settlement.
same to the east and west.

There is plenty room on this earth but within settlements, there is not.
if the homeless had access to computers.....

NeedledWarheart said:
The earth is not.
Settlements are.

for example, outside my house, to the back i have like 40miles of country land that is empty and is suitable for settlement.
same to the east and west.

There is plenty room on this earth but within settlements, there is not.
Mmh I don't understand well, maybe it's humor and I don't get it as my english isn't perfect :p

But sure there's some empty place on this earth but this means nothing. We won't procreate like rabbits until there's one guy per square meter on this planet, and then say "ok no more child, the planet is full".

And if there's some empty place, we (human) are draining all the planet resources.

Earth should find a way to get rid of half the humanity, but not me of course :grin:

But was it humor and I didn't get it ? :zombie: