Do you guys have any questions?

ahh, some good ones here that I didn't think of yet! Yeah, I'll definately have to fit a few of these in, too. I hope I get a decent amount of interview time!
I really hope there's enough time to take the guys out to a diner for the interview so I can treat 'em to some lunch Philly style. I know bands get hungry on the road...:D
I forget what the name of that strip club is called... the one that's like 10 blocks from the Troc... ask Alexi and the guys if they want to meet there after the show and get fuckin' plastered! \m/

I know it's kind of a small strip club.... but it's really close.
How much chuck would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?

And now that the "Reaper" got caught... Will this affect the band in any way?
These are good to ask whoever you may get to interview:
Ask what do they think about Iced Earth and touring with them.

Will they be headlining in North America in the near or far future?

ask them what they think about touring and playing live with out alexander

Ask Alexi why he do not like computers .. =)
Like NeedledWarheart said, a big part of the reason why Alexi doesn't like computers is the stupidity that goes on in the internet. With the way this on-topic forum goes most of the time, I can understand him completely. In the past he's been personally insulted by discussion and statements that he read regarding his personal life.
@Tut Ankh Amon: Yeah, that's obvious, if a woodchuck couldn't chuck wood, it won't chuck wood. But what if a woodchuck would chuck wood? :D

(Blops, I made a mistake when I wrote the tongue twister in the post above... :D)
heres a 2 part question...
what do you think of the future of rock, given the current state of popular music vs. the "underground" metal scene?
do you think metal/hard rock is headed towards heavier, angrier, less melodic music, or more melodic music?
TUT YOU ARE TEH MAN! :worship:

Yeah man! you have to du as Tut said!!! You gotta record the interview and let us hear Janne's reaction!! :lol: OMG I'm gonna pee on my pants when i hear that!
I hope he doesn't read this thread cuz then it's not a surprise anymore :erk:
Tut Ankh Amon said:
A woodchuck couldn't chuck any amount of wood if a woodchuck couldn't chuck wood

A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
slightly personal, but hey.

Do friends and family ever get slightly worried when they read his lyrics. As they arn't the most happy ones around. Also did he himself get a bit worried when he read Kim's lyrics for "suicide by my side"?