Your chance to ask the questions

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Moonlapse said:
Dreamweaver is only half of web design. You'll need to spend a good few hours aquainting yourself with Photoshop in order to hit that level of professionalism.
And I do. I spend about 2 hours daily working in Photoshop, so I'm quite well aquainted with it, it's just that as soon as I try to get an idea across from jpg to html, everything falls apart. That's why I'm relying on simplicity, so that nothing fan fail.
Yeah, that's normally the safest way to go. Web design develops rapidly too. Ever since I made that site that's in my sig (about 3 years ago) I haven't touched Dreamweaver and I've taken a look at some of the stuff and it's just all about integrating DHTML and Javascript and shit. Definately a long way off the simple HTML of old, haha.
RavenousDaemon said:
As of now, no one knows when they are even touring next.
And just the fact that 3 people from New York posted, shows that they must have a damn good fan base here, considering it's only a single state... I know there are a few more on the forums that live here, so I still say to do a New York only tour :loco: .

Actually, I'm from Jersey but I mentioned NY because I figure there are more venues in that area. Basically, anywhere in NY, NJ or CT is just fine by me. :)
dorian gray said:
^heh! "not relevant". i like that.

not relevant/irrelevant have become terms quite often used towards you. Like a "Cliche" if you will. :grin: Maybe time for a new user title?? :tickled:

LordHypnos said:
dont worry yourself about it. its not relevant to you.

Whoa.. Now thats harsh! LordHypnos, was that really necessary? He was just curious where the PUSSY band was from....

Shroud - A good webpage doesn't need shtml/xml/java/flash... Photoshop/Image Ready and simple HTML tables will do the trick!
By the way RjBeals, just thought I'd let you know I scored a copy of Weakling - Dead as Dreams, so I'm no longer pissed off about missing yours :cool:
What an epic indeed! Puts Black Rose Immortal to shame (by about 30 seconds, hah!). Magnificent stuff, though there are a few spots where it plods on a bit. Incredible album though. Been listening to a lot of that great BM lately... mainly DsO, Blut Aus Nord and Beherit.
Mirrored Ghost said:
not relevant/irrelevant have become terms quite often used towards you. Like a "Cliche" if you will. :grin: Maybe time for a new user title?? :tickled:

heh! i thought i could confuse the dorian-haters by just changing my location. alas....
^ ;)
sometimes i go up on the roof. theres a helicpoter up there. i feel it might come in handy someday......
Yeah..why didn't you ask the Gildenlow question?

A lot of the bands' fans seem to be..the same and I'm sure they'd be interested.. :/
And Dorian... Your sig is also right up my alley !!

ennui \on-WEE; ON-wee\, noun: A feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction; dullness and languor of spirits, arising from lack of interest; boredom.

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