Old member

Free Spirit

New Metal Member
Dec 25, 2012
Hey all, I actually got to know about this forum from a friend of mine. We're friends irl but only talk on phone sometimes. He lives near Tel aviv and I live in Haifa. Anyway his name was Indestructible on here. He says he got banned but he said they wouldn't mind if I join their forum myself.

Can someone tell me what Indestructible exactly have done here that got him banned?
He was... very rude and argumentative towards the rest of us. Very disrespectful and harassed more than a few of us on a regular basis. It's the only time I can ever recall having trouble with another user here.
He was... very rude and argumentative towards the rest of us. Very disrespectful and harassed more than a few of us on a regular basis. It's the only time I can ever recall having trouble with another user here.
Im sorry to hear that. He actually never told me why he got banned. Its pretty sad for me to learn thats the reason why.

I'll talk to him today on phone again and ask him about this matter. Im sure he didnt harass people for no reason at all, he's not the kind of person that would do that. But for whatever reason it was, he sure had no right to harass people around here.
Nobody around here ever starts any trouble and we're a very friendly group of people, so I hope I'm not scaring you away from the forum! We love having new members and are accepting of everyone in this small yet nice community. :)
Nobody around here ever starts any trouble and we're a very friendly group of people, so I hope I'm not scaring you away from the forum! We love having new members and are accepting of everyone in this small yet nice community. :)
I just got a little surprised by this, thats all. I didnt expect the reason he got banned is because of harassing people. I mean, he really isn't the kind of guy to do that, at least not irl. I guess he judges things differently on the internet.

Do you have any idea what might have caused him to want to harass people? You gotta admit, no one in the world would wake up one day and tell themselves, "Ah, what a nice day. Today, I think I'll go harass people! That is going to be so fun!"
No clue. I'm sure he's a very nice guy in person. He just did not handle himself here very well at all, even when given multiple attempts to be civil. Can't win them all, eh? :)

EDIT: I can assure you, however, that you'll get along well here if you don't do what he did. Respect everyone's opinions, don't advocate piracy (especially of Power Quest's music, on Power Quest's board ;) ), and be a fun person! Steve and the rest of the regulars will confirm that. :)
No clue. I'm sure he's a very nice guy in person. He just did not handle himself here very well at all, even when given multiple attempts to be civil. Can't win them all, eh? :)

EDIT: I can assure you, however, that you'll get along well here if you don't do what he did. Respect everyone's opinions, don't advocate piracy (especially of Power Quest's music, on Power Quest's board ;) ), and be a fun person! Steve and the rest of the regulars will confirm that. :)
Well its good to know that band members participate in their own band's forum regularly. I truly like PQ's music and Steve's songwriting skills so Im sure I'll stay around and continue to participate on the forum. And thanks for telling me what's allowed and what's not allowed, that way I won't get in trouble like Indestructible did.

He actually hoped that I'd help him convince Steve to let him return to the forum again, but I havent even asked Steve about that yet. I dont think it will work, probably because his ban was permanent.