

Nov 13, 2008
First off, not really a thread where I can make changes to the mix... but I'll appreciate any input on this mix...

I found this whilst going through some of the piles of Discs I have in my room...

I recorded this band years ago, before my visits to this forum and before my son was born... I'd had about 2-3 years studio experience and this was my first attempt at doing something metal that I really enjoyed...

I basically got as far as this in the editing/mixing process and this was one of the last bounces I made/sent to the guitarist before I learned the age-old "BACK UP YOUR SHIT" lesson...

The PT files and audio files corrupt... the single backup I'd made went the same way...

I was absolutely gutted...

We re-recorded this track and others later that year... but it was no where near the same... the band broke up not long after as well...

We never got vocals done on either set of recordings...

I still remember how most of this was recorded, some of it is presetz I made back then and still use as a starting point now...

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9531971/03 So far so Grim.mp3