old or new line up

Old Or New Line Up

  • I Prefer The Old Line Up

    Votes: 23 47.9%
  • I Prefer The New Line Up

    Votes: 14 29.2%
  • I dont care

    Votes: 11 22.9%

  • Total voters
Daniel is a good drummer , but hes a style and groove drummer. He doesnt take a song and make it stand out. He simply plays what the song requires and little else. The part in the Quiet Place where he has his 2 second drum fill is probably the best part of the song. Henry Ranta was a great drummer. Neil Peart of Rush now thats an amazing drummer. Gene Hoglan amazing drummer. But Inflames music doesnt require that kinda work so I guess well never know of Daniels true capabilities.
Is Daney Carey the dude from Tool?? Yeah hes good and very talented but god i hate tool with every ounce of my being. Nevermore also has a much longer history and back catalog though starting with Sanctuary so you cant compare a band with two albums to a band with two decades. Do you know what Nevermore or Mercenary will release in the future? No. Nevermore is excellent though im not debating that. The chorus in Born is phenomenal. The drumming and lead work is mind blowing. I still think Dreaming Neon Black is their best but that was also my first album by them so Im biased. I Am The Dog is my favorite track from DNB. Communic and Eidolon both remind me of Nevermore exccept nowhere near as good. It was probably best the brothers in Eidolon joined Megadeth. Tjodalvs work on Susperias first album is amazing. His drumming in Illusions of Evil is killer. Richard Christy still blows my mind when i watch the live Death dvd. He was so under utilized in Iced Earth its not even funny. Schaffer should be ashamed of that wasted talent.
Dane was in Sanctuary too wasnt he?? I think he was and Sacntuary was basically the first incarnation of Nevermore since Jeff Loomis was actually audtionded for Sanctuary but they split and they all formed Nevermore. That gives Dane , Sheppard, and Williams a 6 year advantage. I never said I liked Communic I said they just remind me of Nevermore. Also Nevermore has been the same core band since 91 where as Mercenary has changed many members and theres only one guy left in the band that was an original member and he has been the last original member I believe since 99. That means that most of their major label stuff was done with only one original member. Its the short black haired guitarist dude. This stuff is gonna affect the sound of the band. Nevermore are tighter because they have been playing together as a band years longer than Mercenary.
Well i think you are wrong . Period. Chemistry has a lot to do witht he band and its players. Nevermore formed immediately after Sanctuary and that was end of 91. Have you ever played in a band?? I was a professional Bagpipe Player and guitar player in bands for many years and the longer you play with people you feed of their emotions musically. I dont believe the way you do PERIOD! Just because you are an accomplished musician doesnt mean you have the emotions to feel and feed off other players. Also like I said Mercenary have had the same lineup for 3 albums were as Nevermore six. Also i just dont think you can compare the two bands because i personally dont think they sound very similar. Its like when people compare Nevermore and Jag Panzer.....???? i just dont see it and just because Chris Broderick has filled inmany times for Nevermore doens mean they are similar bands. Mercenary adds the swedish element in many of their songs and more keyboards. I dont hear a whole lot of swedish riffing in Nevermore which to me I think they sound more like progressive eighties thrash. I just dont see why this arguement came about. I dont agree with you and I never said Nevermore werent a superior band. i just dont think you can really compare the two. Dane and Sandager sound NOTHING ALIKE!! Nevermores drumming is more complex , their riffing is more progressive froma thrash stand point where Mercenary's is more of the stop start progression of a mix between Meshuggah in places and old Inflames. Like i said in places. Not all the time. You cant compare the two and I dont know why we are. I like both bands.
Nevermore and Mercenary do have many similarities. They've got the modern 7-string guitar sound with über production down and aggressive clean vocals going. Concept and lyrical themes also bear some resemblance. I believe the different comes in musical creativity, not in growth. Nevermore were a good band right from the start, and if ya wanna include Sanctuary as them well do so. "Into The Mirror Black" is more accomplished in writing and quality than Mercenary ever will be.

It's merely a matter of who forms the sound. Nevermore have a killer duo in Loomis and Dane forming a pretty much complete musical and lyrical concept. Mercenary are, while still sounding similar, quite a mediocre incarnation. Where Nevermore can include modern ideas like groove and european melodicism Mercenary just overdo it and come off an In Flames rip in the guitar department, even having some -core nods.
I state again that. I do not see or hear the similarities. Its different if you compare bands fromt he same scene that started in the same area, but two bands that started at two different times at the other ends of the earth dont seem to be very comparable to me. The 82 to 85 san fransico thrash scene , those bands can be compared. Norwegian blackmetal scene from the late 80's those bands can be prepared. Same with Gothenburg from 91 to 95. To me Mercenary are a next generation band after Nevermore because Nevermore dudes have been playing music together longer and were basically their own scene. Nothing else was sounding like them coming outta Seattle during that time frame. AND WE CAN ALL AGREE ON THAT. To me thats like comparing Inflames Whorcale to something by Hatesphere. Or Carnal Forge to Slayer. I like both bands and thats where I draw the line. I believe Mercenray are a lot more accessible and catchy than Nevermore. Nevermore are better musicians.