Old school Chatters thread

Ptah Khnemu said:
Isn't this supposed to be an Off Topic forum anyway?


chris-o-fer said:
hey guys! wasssuuuuup! more fufilled lives, huh? what's that say for us? hehe. and as for the torch, i need it to roast my marshmellows :p

They all secretly wish they were cool enough to be here again, it's just an act.
:p Im an older poster here used to have My name as lady_of_bodom if that helps Probably Not thoue :lol: :) Ya Alot of the people that were rugularly Posting Just seemed to drop off n disapere completly But its good when u see em that they didnt completly forget the polace :Spin:
stormy said:
:p Im an older poster here used to have My name as lady_of_bodom if that helps Probably Not thoue :lol: :) Ya Alot of the people that were rugularly Posting Just seemed to drop off n disapere completly But its good when u see em that they didnt completly forget the polace :Spin:

I remember you!