Ifind the reverb on the vocals really annoying, it seems to lack a little depth and cohesion too, still it is quite clear...
Don't like the lead tone too much too, I think the verb makes it blurry in an odd way.
Anyway, I still have a hard time considering that old school, even if it was TEN YEARS ago ah ah
I agree with Korwent, the vocals have way too much reverb, as well as the leads, the drums (the cymbals in particular) sound too fake, but I understand you have to work with what's available (I as well have to use samples most of the time unfortunately), so that's not the real problem, what I think is missing here to give some life and "glue" the tracks together is the bass, it sounds too small and metallic, maybe you should try to feed him some mcdonalds to enlarge his bottom end
Anyway, it's all pretty clear, (except the bass) muddy due to the reverb ok, but still you can understand what's going on, so I guess it's a nice job!