Old School Production techniques


Sep 12, 2008
I'm trying to get an old school death metal sound (think Dawn of Possession) and have got a basic idea of where to go guitar-wise, but what things do I need to know for drums and bass (mainly in terms of EQ).

Cheers :kickass:

Hope I've been clear enough for you guys.
I have an idea how to get the Suffocation tone, that's what I meant.

I have a basic idea on how to EQ the guitars, but not how to compress etc.
guitars don't necessairily need compression, it doesn't make much difference

for drums i'd say kick with no mids and much highs
snare really depends, but usually there are not too many highs
well to be honest, it always depends

for bass eq is also also generally scooped, but not so extreme as the kick and guitars
what matters is that you set the bass to a low action, and play with the fingers, then you should notice the clicking noises that occur when the string hits the fretboard
For old suffo gtr's - you need to to have 2 gtr tracks hard L and R - with a Dull sounding eq curve and not much highs - try low passing at 4 or 5khz - and a fair amount of bass circa 100hz -

and another 2 gtrs Hard L and R with the bottom rolled off around 100hz or 120hz with a "fizzy" Patch and severe scooped mids.

So 4 gtrs in total playing together the riffs - bass gtr has to have a lot of 100 > 200 hz - and drums well, obligatory clicky kick with scooped 250hz range and you want a good ring to the snare .

Check out my Suffo style track on my soundclick page (called Undead Ged) i mixed it with "Despise the sun" in mind.