Old School Tampa-ish CC style profile

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
who here would be interested in an old scool Tampa-ish Corpse style Kemper profile?
more gain than satan can take, brutal as hell and as far from todays metal guitar tones as possible?
want it?
here's what you have to do:
own a kemper and any sort of stupid camera (cell phone...whatever)...
grab your down tuned guitar and play some old school CCorpse style riffs using this profile...record it, upload it to youtube...keep the profile.
hmmm... i really thought there would be more interest in this around here. i am definitely interested. still waiting for my kemper in the mail though :/
hmmm... i really thought there would be more interest in this around here. i am definitely interested. still waiting for my kemper in the mail though :/

That would be cool, but I've personally found this forum to not really care about OSDM too much. It's 95% deathcore or techy-ish death stuff oriented.
yeah, if you try modern shit with this profile it sounds like absolute wank...really only works for that old scool kind of over the top gain sound.

cfh11: shoot me a mail:

Here's a couple of riffs using this profile. I like it! It's loose and nasty, and lots of fun! Thanks Lasse!

So nobody here likes OSDM? :confused: That's a shame...

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What I came up with. Info is in the video descrition.

@Pray: Great stuff, but your tone seems a bit to modern in my eyes, moar scoop bro!
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kind of ashamed to post this after the last 2 videos but what the hell

shitty cam audio and even forgot to turn the snares off on the drum behind me :erk:
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Since nobody gives a shit, I'd need to say I quite like your riffs. It's always cool hearing somebodys actual playing and not some studio robot shit. Tried to do that on my stuff aswell, oldschool death is not clickaclicka android music.
ha thanks dude nice playing in your video as well. i literally just turned on the camera and started playing so i am surprised to get positive feedback on my "riffs" lol.
Nice riffs on both your guys' videos! cfh, are you running the KPA through a poweramp? Sounds heavy! And zirkon, you're right, moar scoop is needed! Part of it though, is the drum sound I have there is too modern sounding.
I was away over the weekend, I had kind of hoped there would be more video responses to this, but I guess Melodeath warned us...
Yo dogs, the vocalist of my new Death Metal project came by and I played him the video, needless to say we ended up recording some vocals over it.
Wrote the shit on the fly while reading the Wikipedia article on Kim Jong Un.
Fuck that guy. Death to Ming or "Tod dem Ming" in german kinda spawned out of utter stupidity, we used to scream that shit at rehearsals for no reason before songs ...

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