old schoolish Death Metal Mix (Real Drums, Bogner Amp)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
...this is not supposed to sound clean modern death core like......think mid 90ies, but not tooo trashy.

Drums are almost natural, kick is very slightly supported in some sections (augmented about 30% with kit's own sample).

Guitars: Bogner Überschall....forgot which cab I used.

not automated yet, just the first rough mix...don't think I'll change much though...let me know what you think.

again: this was meant to sound brutal and raw, so don't compare it to Despised Icon or something ;)

brutal shit
Yay, that guitar and drum sound really fits the style of the music! Really nice grinding guitars.

It was meant to sound brutal? Yeah, you definitely got it brutal! :D
sounds tits man, but I don't think that that much audible verb fits the snare for that kind of stuff...overall verb on drums,toms too, is a bit much imo.
otherwise it's awesome. sick vocals