old song, new mix, biased ears


Feb 18, 2008
just finished tracking for an old song i could just not get right in the past.
speaking of not right, this is like the sixth or seventh re-recording but i'm
getting close to what's in my mind, even i have changed the song from
version to version.

i could really use some fresh ears now, i feel like the distorted guitars could need some more balance, then again i really like the tone.

most important, how is the bass, or lowend in general sounding!?
it's the first time i used headphones only to mix a track so i am not sure
about anything :lol:

any feedback welcome! :)



PS: not my best song for sure, but somehow i can't let go of this...
I think the low end is really good! Well, at least the bass is etremely stable. Is it a midi-bass? :D
Only thing with it is that as it is so clean it doesn´t blend well with the guitars, you could use a "grit" bass track.
Might be hard to get right if it is a midi bass :) Drums too seem a bit separated from the rest but that´s a quite basic
issue with midi drums. I would maybe push them a bit back with some reverb to get the guitars appear closer to you, should help
with the blend thing too.
The guitars sound nice to me!
thanks for the fedback man!
you're right on the bass, i already have a grit track but lowered it in the mix as it iteferred with the clean parts too much.
i guess i need to automate the grid track or something like that. the bass is real though! :)
I'd lower the drums and rise guitars. Well... overall sound is good but drums are too high on the mix and too bright. I don't like the snare sound either. By lowering the drums I believe it would improve a lot.
+1 on changing the snare sound. Its got this high frequency cheapness/nastiness to it and needs more room sound/power to stick out and it would fill the mix out more and bring it more alive.
i think i have a hi pass on the snare, i'll remove it and see if it brings any improvement,
so far i'm with you guys, the snare is really "sharp" more looking for a "fat" snare.

hows the lowend in general? tried to tame the bass but well, it's a wild beast...

thanks for the feddback so far guys! :)
Listening on monitors now and not headphones (treated room) The low end is nice to me. Take the treble blast off the snare with a lpf and add some room verb to it. Make that hoe crack. I like the mix all in all. This song reminds me of daylight dies style "no reply" album which is my favorite album by them.
thanks man, glad you like it! :)
i'll rework the snare asap and hopefully i'll be able to add some vocals, i'm not the best singer though...