Old Videos released on DVD?


New Metal Member
Dec 19, 2004
Does anyone know if there is a chance that the "Oidivnikufesin" and the "P.O.V." home videos can be released on DVD? And, if anyone from the band reads this, PLEASE, release them!!! :headbang:
Yes! There have been a ton of requests for this.
It is in "the planning stage".

Just keep your fingers crossed that Anthrax finds a GOOD label one of these days...
i'd like to see a dvd with say 10 of the bands best video clips backed up with commentary and dicussions within the band and ex members, something similar to that one Megadeth released years ago. or even a full VH1 style dvd spanning the life and history of the mighty Anthrax !
The band wouldn't have much control over this would they - because the old vids are all on Island???
Usually what ever label you're on decides whether or not to buy the rights to your entire backlogue also. Not sure if this applies to videos too.
For arguments sake, Nuclear Blast or CB and Scott for that matter could in theory buy and own the rights to all their material if they wanted to. Then they could do whatever they wanted with it. There is obviously some understanding already between the band and Island otherwise they'd be paying a royalty to Island for letting them re-record tracks for TGO2E.
I'm not exactly sure how it works but it certainly gets pretty complicated.
Anyone else have a more in depth understanding of this stuff ? o_O