OMG! its finally here, the greatest guitar invention since, umm, the guitar..


Another lefty freak...
Nov 14, 2003
Ma/Conn Border USA
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Thats cause it is!!!

Added sustain, able to play double stops and in tune bends, and if you break a string, your still in tune! oh, and it also makes string changing easier..
How easy is it to put in and take out? I may decide to pick one up for my 7 if it's easy to do.
ummm, like 20 min if that. theres no drilling or body mods of any kind, it just replaces one spring and the string retainer bar (the part that the springs lock onto that is then screwed into the back of the cavity)
and its so easy, a caveman could do it!! Also, it doesnt always replace a spring, it depends on how many springs you use, if you use 3, it will fit in middle of one of the side springs and the middle spring.

and I doubt you'll ever want to take it out :p

go here and see them installed close up...

This thing is so good, if I had some extra money I would buy one for MJR, because I know he would love it.
It looks interesting, but how exactly does it work? Yes, I read their FAQ. I want to know how it functions mechanically.

edit: ok it seems in the video i figured out that it acts as a stopbar and unlocked, it just moves along the spring like a piston. interesting concept, and i probably will get one
no doubt an hour setting up an OFR or 15 mins putting that in ???? after its installed its like 30 seconds to change settings
Oh my fucking god...

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

this is the fucken coolist thing eva!!!!!

i actually could have really used this yesturday...


im speachless...


edit: I think im gonna cut a door or a hole or something in my plastic cover for easier use.
im about to order mine and go find some plastic to make new covers ive done it before i used to have a steel peice we made fit in my floyd to lock it but this is way better cuz i can switch back and forth