OMG! its finally here, the greatest guitar invention since, umm, the guitar..

well, pickups have been around since about the 20's I believe, used in lap steels and such. I'd say the best guitar inovation/invention has to be Leo Fender's design of the bolt on solid body..
But even so, the Electric guitar wouldn't even be electric if it weren't for the pickups. Hence the Pickups being the best thing to ever happen to electric guitar.
Ptah Khnemu said:
But even so, the Electric guitar wouldn't even be electric if it weren't for the pickups. Hence the Pickups being the best thing to ever happen to electric guitar.

well, it wouldn't be an electric guitar without the pickups,like you said, so really there not the best thing to "happen" to an electric guitar, because they make it an electric guitar, you could say "the humbucker", but not the regular pickup, So really, the best thing to happen to an electric guitar would be the bolt on neck by Leo, which revolutionized the guitar business.
I dunno, $70 is fairly cheap if you think about it. Your turning your guitar into a hardtail/strat (dive only) and improving tone and sustain, for just $70.

I absolutly LOVE mine to death, and my I intalled one on my friends K7 (don't knock it, its one of the nicest non-J custom Ibanez 7 string guitars I have ever seen!!!)
and after 20 min of installing and an hour of retuning (don't ask, but it was 100% our fault it took that long) He said he will never take it off.
Such a high price for a piece of metal... It is not that i don't respect the invention, but don't you think it is overpriced ?
I'd pay $70 for a bottle opener. The next time I got o Guitar Center, I really will buy 2 of them.