omg the new Shyamalan movie is about awesome shit!!!


Nov 9, 2001
The movie, which stars Joaquin Phoenix, is set in 1897 and tells the story of a close-knit community with a mythical race of creatures residing in the woods around them.

The spooky village is set in the middle of the woods in the movie and stars Joaquin Phoenix, Bryce Howard, William Hurt, Sigourney Weaver and Adrien Brody, click on the image below for pictures.

I like the way Shyamalan uses his 'trick' as you said to actually say something else, or express something totally different. Every film he did as been better than the last one so I expect this one to be better than Signs.
Well, I really liked Unbreakable, for different reasons including the fact that I was a pretty big comic book fan in my youth (also a reason why I had a smile from ear to ear during the Hulk while everybody else hated it), but I thought that Signs had a better "discussion value" compared to Unbreakable. I really like the discuss a movie after seeing it and with Signs I had loads to discuss.
Signs is most definitely a good discussion movie. At first I was kinda meh on it, but my wife and I immediately got into a good talk about how we each interpreted it and what we thought.
Looks like the cinematography will be a vast improvement over previous shyamalan movies and I'm sure it'll be fun.
You would think that since those aliens in signs get seriously hurt by water that running without any clothing or shoes on through cornfields just MIGHT be a bad idea. I never got that part.
