OMG! they killed the opeth-board!

I think it was a bad move. It's gonna injure UM's traffic as well as how well fans will be able to keep up with the band. I mean, I'd imagine unofficial forums are in the works... and the band will have absolutely no control over what leaks and what doesn't on those! I think they're only damaging themselves like this. Despite the fact that there never was a 'leak' of the album in the first place. Both tracks were released by Roadrunner.

Since I can't whore this on the Opeth forum anymore, I thought I'd post it here.

yay, viking metal.
AnvilSnake said:

i didn't know the guys of metallica were in opeth.

ya know... i was thinking the exact same thing lol
I'll admit, I went through phases where I didn't visit the Opeth board much, but for the past couple years I really loved that board. Half of the time at least, it was fun and helpful. People there talked alot about bands that weren't even metal that were equally just as good. Fans of metal on a metal forum talking about all kinds of music. It was great...the katatonia forum is similar to the Opeth one too. I think, the board will probably re-open after the album is released. For the same reason, Mike Portnoy closed his forum and I think the dream theater forum a week until Octavarium was released.

If not the Opeth board I usually check here, Katatonia or Vehemence and now the subterranean masquearade forums. The rest are boring and the cob one is childish. So yeah my credentials for "posting here after the Opeth board died" is that I've been a Nevermore fan for years and have enjoyed all their albums. I made out with my gf listening to in memory, dnb, politics and deadheart in a row wednesday night. so there.
Haha, this will teach the idiots that think "the band wants to leak their albums early, everyone does it." It won't surprise me if the Hypocrisy board is closed eventually as well, , with Virus already being discussed 2 months before it's officially released, when will people get it through their heads that it's disrespectful to a hard working band to say that you already own the music that they've been busting their ass for before it's even released on their own message board? If I was an artist, I'd do the exact same thing.
there were so many people that browsed and posted in the Opeth forum, that you couldn't get everyone to shut up about leaks and the links to them. Moonlapse over and over and over stated that the band dosen't like the distributing of the new mp3s on it's forum, which most likely also meant, no discussing of brand new songs till' it's released. But I think the mentality was "as long as we're not posting any links to the leaks, we can't get in trouble."
Dreadful is on the ball. People's selfishness is one of the factors that led to this.

Heh, I could almost feel how pissed off Deron was when he wrote that 'Forum closed' topic. The Opeth forum closing is a very bad thing for UM.
Moonlapse said:
Dreadful is on the ball. People's selfishness is one of the factors that led to this.

Heh, I could almost feel how pissed off Deron was when he wrote that 'Forum closed' topic. The Opeth forum closing is a very bad thing for UM.

You like that eh? :) I just don't get it personally, people are talking about the band/album/new tunes. Any talk is good talk in my book. Granted that forum has its share of "unique" individuals...they're all into Opeth at some level. While closing the official forum helps cut the talk as being tied to the band OFFICIALLY, it will not hinder talk in general. So if it is gonna, I don't know. I haven't heard back on if they will reopen it when the album is released. I hope they do of course, always hate seeing bands leave.

Also. I do agree UM gets a lot of traffic from the Opeth forum but there are indeed a lot of active forums here. Some are more active than others of course. UM does around 70 gig in traffic a month, plenty of posting going around!

Anyways, not happy about it, but what can ya do.

On The Crown's forum... their domain is dead and noone from the band would get in touch with me to continue it etc.
In my opinion the biggest reason why the Opeth forum went downhill so much is due to mismanagement. And this is not a jab at Moonlapse or any of the other moderators because I know they were only doing what they were told.

Any internet forum that focuses on discussion (rather than helping people or tech support or whatever) should be a place where people come together because they share an interest in [whatever] (in this case Opeth) and have the ability to discuss that subject but also provide a place where they can hang out and talk about whatever else. The whole idea that a forum should be about one specific topic only is just stupid and more importantly, it doesn't work. Forum veterans will eventually run out of stuff to talk about and get annoyed by all the newbies simply because every single possible topic on the forum subject has already been done to death and then some. That's what happened to the Opeth forum once the OT forum got shut down and the moderators were told to crack down on all off topic chat. Veterans got bored and started to leave or troll the remainder of the forum. Combine that with the influx of newbies after Deliverance/Damnation and you get the Opeth forum as it has been for the past year or so. It's not the first case I've seen where a forum that used to be a nice community got destroyed by a "no offtopic" policy and it probably won't be the last. But it's sad.

And I kind of doubt if the forum will ever get back on its feet if it doesn't get reopened soon. Even if they do open it back up at the end of august, a lot of the regulars will probably have migrated to some new unofficial forum (I've already seen a few alternatives and I'm still waiting to see which one takes off) and it'll just be a lot of new people starting all of the Opeth topics we've seen the past 3 years all over again. I'm not really looking forward to sticking around for that, personally.

Anna/ or whoever makes these decisions just appears to be one of those people who has no clue on how to run an online community properly and it's sad to see that this one was pretty much run into the ground because of it. I suspect that by now Roadrunner is also getting involved in the decisions (but maybe I'm wrong, I don't really know how much control they usually take over their bands).

And this thing about the leaked songs is also ridiculous. RR is making these songs available to street team members and has obviously sent promos to radio stations. All of which is meant to expose people to the material obviously (otherwise what's the point?) yet when any of this finds itself on the Opeth forum it is immediately deleted. I just can't comprehend the logic behind that. I understand their fear of the full album getting leaked but that's no reason to get completely paranoid. And also no reason to close down the forum because the album is going to leak regardless, and people are going to find it regardless. They don't need the band's official forum to do so.

Yeah I'm done ranting now.
Danny_Glover said:

Damn them be some ugly womans.
ROFL :lol: :lol: :hotjump:

seriously though...the Nevermore board is not a refugee camp and we like peace and quiet in our corner of the please take the Lionesses advice and row your dories to the CoB board...
Maharet said:
ROFL :lol: :lol: :hotjump:

seriously though...the Nevermore board is not a refugee camp and we like peace and quiet in our corner of the please take the Lionesses advice and row your dories to the CoB board...

The only people from the Opeth board that are posting on here are part of the few people who are actually respectful and nice to posters. So no worries man. I think most of those assholes from the Opeth forums went back to their Slipknot forums. Besides, the only reason we're posting here is because Nevermore is really the only other band on UM that kicks serious ass.