OMM: One Man Metal


No rules in metal
Nov 19, 2006

"In this new documentary, Noisey follows the lives of three enigmatic solo artists — Leviathan, Striborg and Xasthur — producing black metal on the margins of society. These are men who don't just play the music, but embody what it reflects: isolation, misanthropy, and anger.

These were exiles struggling to become human, and when they were ready to share their bleak outlook, they turned to Noisey. Presented in sumptuous black and white, the documentary moves from Chicago, to Los Angeles and Tasmania, interviewing these exceptional musicians, most of whom had never shown their face on camera before.

The documentary includes the first on-camera interview with Scott Connor, a.k.a. Xasthur, who crafts his bleak sounds from a crumbling apartment in the hinterlands of Los Angeles. Vice also explored the remot environs of rural Tasmania with Sin Nanna of STRIBORG, and finally travelled to San Francisco to speak with Jef Whitehead, a.k.a. Leviathan."

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

A very entertaining docu. about the weird lowlife losers and the loners of these black metallers. Would never in a million years think that Jeff was a skater thug. Worth a watch for sure!
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Why would someone miserable on the outside of society want to share anything with the world? Isn't the point of living a depressive, lonely life to suffer in solitude, without feeling the need to emphasize yourself to the public?

Well, either way it seems pretty interesting. I'll check it out!
Def. agree on that. And this is also the first time some of them has even wanted to speak out on these matters. For publicity I think not since most people who would watch these videos anyways will be fans of the artists only curious to hear some opinions.