Omnium Gatherum new album and video

Thanks for the compliments! One more teaser from the new album. Enjoy!

Oh yeah, I'm happy to answer to comments and questions, if you have any.
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Only one day left, damn excited. Seems to have fantastic atmosphere, different from most MDM bands.
The new album is phenomenal. Ego is an early standout track.

Props to the guys in OG! Also, come to North America (Toronto specifically).
I just cannot believe the progression these guys has made. They have composed some really pieces of art here. This is a great example of what I respect in the metal world. A band who can progress musically to the point that they write respectable work without losing their roots and not turning boring and gaining that "they release the same album every year" tag.

Bravo boys. Can't wait to see you in Kouvola next month!
It's a bit different when compared to The Redshift. This one is more ambitious in scope, more moody, less upbeat, which I like. I feel like NWS is a counterpoint to The Redshift in a lot of ways; between the two albums you really get a good sense of what this band is about.

I am so very happy to see them hit their stride, Snake's Way was an inconsistent record, clearly marked by a hodgepodge of ideas collected over a long period of time (likely due in part to the change in vocalists). Spirits and August Light was also a very difficult record to follow up from, being pretty much the benchmark for modern melodeath. Years in Waste sees them transitioning a bit to something more distinct, complex, different while still trying to retain their characteristic sense of melody and atmosphere.

I think what I am trying to say is that, like Orson Welles, they peaked early with Spirits and August Light, then sort of lost their way a bit and regained it and then some with these last two records.
Ego is a beast of a song. Love the chorus. But I think for myself Nova Flame really takes the cake. The intro reminds me a little of Soilwork's Natural Born Chaos but when the vocals come in on the first verse it is all OG. The vocal melodies are beautiful but the lyrics of the chorus are what really get me. Very powerful words and a quite sad toned melody. Nova Flame was the song that when I heard for the first time I said, "okay this album is truly something spectacular".