On the Bluff....

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Weilder of bloody axes
I stand near the ledge looking out toward the water.
I turn my head up to the sky and feel the wind on my face.
I turn my head around slowly looking forward to you...as always,
and then I realize it just may not be you behind me anymore.
I turn toward the possibilities to a new love, with a new life ahead of me, without you. I look back toward the water and put my arms outstretched and just feel the damp air...and look toward a much younger man who has his heart open....I sense him behind me..and I realize I no longer need a much older man because I have outgrown my need for a "daddy type" and understand that I have for a while now not felt afraid of the edge of the bluff, and just look forward to seeing a person from my past who was attatched at the time....and just look forward to him being behind me smiling and strong inside and out...and him and I walking close to each other away from the bluff together in harmony just like my grandfather and grandmother..eaons ago.

I don't look to You in malice, abandonment, jealousy, feeling that you betrayed me...I just look forward to tomorrow, most likely without you.

I stand near the ledge looking out toward the water.
I turn my head up to the sky and feel the wind on my face.
I turn my head around slowly looking forward to you...as always,
and then I realize it just may not be you behind me anymore.
I turn toward the possibilities to a new love, with a new life ahead of me, without you. I look back toward the water and put my arms outstretched and just feel the damp air...and look toward a much younger man who has his heart open....I sense him behind me..and I realize I no longer need a much older man because I have outgrown my need for a "daddy type" and understand that I have for a while now not felt afraid of the edge of the bluff, and just look forward to seeing a person from my past who was attatched at the time....and just look forward to him being behind me smiling and strong inside and out...and him and I walking close to each other away from the bluff together in harmony just like my grandfather and grandmother..eaons ago.

I don't look to You in malice, abandonment, jealousy, feeling that you betrayed me...I just look forward to tomorrow, most likely without you.


That's the gayest thing I've ever read.
That's the gayest thing I've ever read.

Really, you might as well look up the adult section under lesbian/gay literature in your local library you "narrowminded" person you already proclaim yourself to be, so you know what ti means to really read something as being the gayest thing to read." I'm not gay myself, but I happen to be in the know of these things because I have had quite a few gay friends because of my best friend since gradeschool coming out of the closet 9 years ago. So please keep your biggoted comments out of my thread...

It is duly noted of your comment, hand I will FULLY IGNORE every posting I see of yours, ULess you provoke/or attack me again.
What the fuck are you talking about? Try making some sense.

Why are you always so hostile? It was a joke - just a little shot at levity based upon your humorous comment and the poster's decidedly ironic response(with regard to all things gay, etc.
I'm really surprised that the jerks around here haven't insulted you into oblivion.

there would be no sport in that.
That ain't me, babe. I look to you feeling you betrayed me, and that defines the whole essence of my being. And you probably didn't even betray me. That is the result of my neurosis. But it's so real to me, so I can naught but act on it.

I can relate to the idea of the original post. I used to be like that. But for me, when love comes into the picture, all of my beliefs go out the window.
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