On the lighter side: BEST thing(s) that have happened to you!


Nov 29, 2002
I figured I would make a happy counterpart to my "worst things" thread.
Post your good stuff here!!!

Meeting my boyfriend! He was about to move away right before I met him, but something changed his mind into staying for awhile :saint:

Walking away from that aformentioned car crash with only a few bruises and scars and NOT losing my life (which could have easily happened if I were not wearing a seatbelt!).
this is easy.
the best things happened to me are the ones i love the most: my lovely boyfriend (and he wants to live with me!!! wooo-hoooo) and my best friend.

last month's best thing: i met opeth :headbang:
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When almost 5 years ago a friend introduced metal to me
When almost 7 years ago someone introduced Dungeons&Dragons to me
Meeting my girlfriend 9 months ago
Best thing? Not too many good things have happened to me so far. But.. I guess getting money to buy a car, guitar, cab, and head all in 2 months with no job. The weird thing is that the car accident on the "Worst Things" thread is the event that led to me getting money.
Not too much has happened.. I guess my parents buying my horse for me was the best though :)

@Tara: I was bored enough to get hotornot.com and I was looking around on it for people that listened to metal from jersey.. I saw you! haha.
Tranquil Chaos said:
Not too much has happened.. I guess my parents buying my horse for me was the best though :)

@Tara: I was bored enough to get hotornot.com and I was looking around on it for people that listened to metal from jersey.. I saw you! haha.

Whoa...and you are also a girl from NJ that listens to metal. :zombie:
Know of any good shows coming up??????? I live closer to the Newark/NYC area so yeah...
My parents :) they are not my biological but still my parents and they have done huge things for me....

then as Lolita, still working on the best thing to come :) and it will happen in June :hotjump:
ante said:
My parents :) they are not my biological but still my parents and they have done huge things for me....

ante said:
still working on the best thing to come :) and it will happen in June :hotjump:
does the keyword begin with "b"? mmh? mmh? yes?

< female therefore curious :D
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Ante: nice for you to know already when IT is coming :p

hmm...I take it you dont know yet when yours is coming, but to quote a swedish (sure other countries as well says it) ...those who waits for something good doesn´t wait too long :)
Unfortunately I'm still waiting...
Maybe some day I'll be able to say that the best thing have happened!

I do know some Swedish, after all we have to learn it in school for many, oh so many, years :D
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Unfortunately I'm still waiting...
Maybe some day I'll be able to say that the best thing have happened!

you know, it is my secret belief that "best" here is used relatively speaking, as in "the best thing that's happened so far". so i suppose we all have got one, if only because the others are far worse. moreover, you'll never know what the best thing happened to you on the whole is until you're fairly certain you're not going to have any more experiences. this likely happens soon before or right after we're dead. :)

I don't really know what mine is. It's been mostly okay, but no really good thing has really happened yet.
Nah, there is nothing yet that stands out from the other events in my life as really good, so I guess I will just have to wait and see...
Best thing that's happened to me? That's easy: Antonio!


Demonic Rapture said:
Uh, my cats and I sleep sometimes.

A happy thing also is when I came to this board and met all kinds of interesting people. No, really.

Am I an interesting people? :saint: I hope so.