On The Prowl...


Proud IMG Guitarist
Apr 17, 2001
Sheffield, England
For tracks that is! :loco:

Just wondering if anyone out there has IMG tracks they would be willing for me to pay them to send?

I'm after everything, single tracks, karoake, rough mixes, finished mixes, alternate mixes and everything in between! After losing almost all of them I'm eager to get my sweaty mits on them again!! :headbang:
I think I have some finished tracks on a cdr somewhere... And may have all the single tracks for Breaking the Law... I'll see what I can do.

Oh, btw, I think the drumtrack for Virus has went down the drain due to a hard-drive failure...
I would be more than grateful for anything you could swing my way :)

No problems on the drum track Eddy, when I think of all the things I've lost over the years! GB's worth of stuff!