On Vacation. Going to Zion National Park


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
Ok .... the Raiders Sucks... I agree..... but i digress, The family and I are leaving For Zion National Park tomarrow morning. For those of you who don't know where that is, it's in Utah a 11 hour drive......

I will post pics when i get back!!!!!!

Oh ayeah... Anthrax is playing in Japan!!!!!!!

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Oh Shit..... I am in Zion ..... just poured on us while hiking at the Emerald Pools...... Great pics...... will post when i get home!!!
Ok theRaiders Fucking Suck!!!!

I am At the Bryce canyon Lodge...... just checked out the Navajo Loop
got to eat..... great pics yesterday i climbed to the top of Angels Landing with my 8 year old and My 13 year old 1844 feet up.... at the top there are chains you MUST hold on to..... Crazy
Well we returned from our trip and i was killer....
Zion National park what can i say... the first day it rained GREAT... the second day we hiked the Emerald Pool Trail....Very nice hike, We reached the upper pool and ate lunch. On the way down it poured like a MOFO.....
Well after the rain let up a little we headed for the Zion Lodge and got Hot Chocolate for the girls.... Of course i had coffee i brought with me...
While we were in the Lodge we saw a poster of get this "Walter Wiggles" boy we all got a laugh from this see Walt the Diet thing.....
Anyway this is a part of the Angel's Landing trail, a 5 mile hike that asends 1488ft from the begining of the trail. The Walter Wiggles part of the trail is a series of Switchbacks like starscases. When you think you reached the top called Scouts Lookout otherwisase known as Chicken Out Point the trail continues on a knarley trail that has chains that climbs to the top of Angels Landing. Chains you ask? These chains help you climb the mountain its a long way down and while climbing you are on a very narrow trail and Cliffs... It is amazing. My wife and oldest daughter didn't make it to the top. my 8 and 13year old made it to the top with me.....






This is called the Watchman....
We camped at The Watchman campground inside the park.

This is the beginning part of the Walters Wiggles....


