And for Max. Sorry it's fuzzy, I blame the power converters. Stupid Jawas.

And for Max. Sorry it's fuzzy, I blame the power converters. Stupid Jawas.
^ Thanks.Nah, friends all made different plans and were scattered all over the state. Buuuut, it was a good night anyway.
And for Max. Sorry it's fuzzy, I blame the power converters. Stupid Jawas.
Happy New Year's, all y'all. I had to work 'til 22:30 on NY's eve, then joined the dinner several mates had at a friend's house. Sucks only being able to arrive at 23:00, but at least I had my girlfriend with me, and we managed to spend time with friends, and that's most important. Back at work now, from 14:30 'til 22:30, but it's so dead in here that I feel like I'm pulling a night shift
Also, Emily, lovely dress. You are also very well furnished in the bod department. Hawt!
I'd like to set your dog on fire