Once for All - Down for the Getdown


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Once for All – Down for the Getdown
Harvest Earth Records – HE005 – August 30th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


Once for All and all for, uh, once. I guess that’s not how the saying goes. Anyway, these traditional hardcore players hail from Milwaukee and are supporting “Midwest Hardcore.” Distributed by Facedown Records, Down for the Getdown is ostensibly a full-length record, but if seventeen minutes constitutes a proper full-length, then I’d say some reevaluating needs to be done. So, coupled with the measly length, the standard iteration of hardcore found here fails to significantly rouse me.

Since the disc is short, it follows that the songs are too. Mostly, the tunes fall between the one and two minute mark, the most epic ambitious of them punches the time clock at 2:18. It’s not the music itself that fails, though. I’d liken Once for All to No Innocent Victim, and a handful of bands that Victory Records cultivated during the 1990’s. This is straightforward hardcore that springs no surprises, which is kind of a letdown though understandable from the get-go. One can easily tell – just by perusing the back of the case – that anthems such as “Fight for What’s Yours,” “Born with Nothing,” “Second Chance,” “Hardcore Times,” among others are going to include all-too-familiar outlooks, lyrics, and music. However, there’s an abrasiveness on Down for the Getdown, which some of you may fancy.

Considering everything I’ve written up to this point, I doubt you have to be a scientist to predict what I’m about to say. Once for All, despite a few promising characteristics, aren’t worth checking out. And furthermore, labeling Down for the Getdown a full-length is simply bad judgment, and is one sure way to slight an audience, even if unintentionally. I kept questioning why I should care, but could never formulate any sort of answer.


Official Once for All Website
Official Harvest Earth Records Website