One more studio album for Iron Maiden????


Jun 5, 2006
Orange County, Ca
Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet has posted three articles on Iron Maiden and their upcoming album - one where the band members talk about how smooth the recording went, one that describes the new album and one account of the bands' reactions while watching England playing Sweden in the world cup.

The three articles, in Swedish, can be found here, here and here. Read on for translations of the important parts.

Many thanks to OcA for the head's up
The first article consists of quotes from different band members mixed with typical journalist's filler comments. Steve Harris says the recording went so easily "It felt like something was wrong". Allegedly, during the whole recording process there was not a single fight or heated argument, due to the band being more harmonic than ever.

Or, as Steve puts it, "Nicko knew the songs much better this time. On every record I usually have a fight with Nicko over arrangements and such. This time we didn't have any and it made us worry." Says Nicko: "I think it's a lot because I've been more mature this time. I have taken into consideration what the song needs, not what I'd like to play"

During the making of Dance of Death, however, the fights were much more plentiful. "It went so far we stood shouting at each other", says Nicko. "I was so angry we almost started fighting."

Steve also explains the thoughts behind the new album's title, A Matter of Life and Death: "Six, seven songs on record circles around war and religion. Religion has caused more death, pain and misery than anything else. And we never seem to learn. Unbelievable."

Regarding the future, Steve is more doubtful. "From the beginning I've said Maiden will make fifteen studio albums. In that case there's only one left and that makes me sad. There is a life after Maiden. And there's a lot I'd like to do I don't have time for now. Sure I'd miss the band, but there's no reason to live in the past. We'd probably piss off some people if we quit, but the day we don't want to do it anymore it's over."

Aftonbladet also got to listen to Maiden's new album and describes it in the second article. There's a lot of empty words in it but summing it up, here's what it says:

- If you liked Brave New World and Dance of Death, you'll be happy with it.
- The band continues on the progressive road and the music often switches between soft and hard.
- The big arrangements and complex structures of the last albums return.
- "Out of the Shadows" is said to sound a bit like Children of the Damned and Bruce's classic solo number Tears of the Dragon.