One of my better mixes... maybe?

Thanks guys..

The kick is a homemade sample of mine so I won't be sharing it, at least not right now. The snare is a mixture of Slate and D4 and toms are 'natural' (original tracks plus samples from his kit).

Guitars are 5150 + mesa 2x12
Everything is really good man.

My only comments are: The guitars sound a tad scratchy, and a little undergained - what kic did you use, placement, etc. The bass could maybe come up a tad as well, and maybe get a tad of distortion (A LITTLE) to make it cut a little better.

On the second listen, it sounds like there is some digital clipping when the toms come in at about 0:26 as well.

The vocal production on this is excellent man!
Hi Jval, great mix, can you tell me what plugin your using on the vox effect on the just before the middle 8 at 2.26? I hear a few other people using it on this site, i wana try it out on a guitar part.
yup i know the clipping sucks near the beginning there... it was a tradeoff to get the overall loudness... i bet most people won't really notice plus this is mostly for shopping purposes...

dfer - I just manually cut that up to the timing i wanted. there is also an automated EQ cutting high end as it fades out and a reverb automates up there as well.

but I have used waves mono-mod for the same effect before... there's a preset for it, forget what it's called though
I agree that the guitars sound kind of scratchy and digital.

The clean vocals need rounding out. They sound a little "cheap" compared to the rest of the mix.

The rest of the mix sounds amazing, though.
Eat your heart out Joey Sturgis! :P (Don't flame me it's just a joke)

Sounds amazing Jord, you are truly a becoming a master of your craft. Clean vocals do sound a little sterile but I guess that's part of the genre right- tight, hyepertuned vocals.

Are these guys local?
Overall, sounds great. Vocals are great. I dig the electronic stuff you worked in. Kick is ace.

The toms distorting when they come in around 0:30 is really bothering me. Even with my volume turned down pretty low, it's quite audible and almost distracting. Have you tried anything like gllip on just the toms to keep them distorting the mix?

The guitars do seem a bit scratchy and under-gained at around 1:42, basically whenever they're doing open 16ths and chugs.
weird that the guitars sound digital... probably just cause it was tracked really tight. And yeah the gain is pretty low but it keeps things clear... i do agree they're a bit scratchy, if this was an album or EP for release I'd have reamped.

Colin, yeah these guys are from mississauga. Trying to hook them up with some contacts, they have lots of potential :)
And actually Joey helped me out a little bit on this one, listened to my first mix and gave some quick pointers that helped me get it where I wanted - so kudos to him!

Struggled a lot on the clean vocal sound, I totally used the wrong mic on him...
Only just heard this now strangely enough.
Sounds pretty good man.
My only issue is that the top end of the guitar (6.5-7KHz-ish) is somewhat uncontrolled and slightly too overbearing. In future, try to clamp down more on those frequencies
great mix jval, i think one of your best.
i like guitars with small amount of gain for this style and i think you made well the work.;)
what electronic samples did you use in 2.28?
i´d like to experiment with those parts.
Great job Jval. Im diggin the undergained guitars, really keep everything clear. Maybe u can give me some recording tips :)
oh weird i didn't realize this was revived.
I actually didn't program the electronic stuff... the band had already programmed it from a previous demo, and i thought it sounded good so we used that.
ps i'm mixing a pretty heavy record right now... even less gain on the guitars... 5150 on like 2. I guess I just dig that sound lately.